Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

JAX Airport A Hub For Illegals Riding The “Biden Express” While Americans Are Running For Their Lives In Afghanistan

Thousands of Americans and their Afghan allies abandoned by the Biden Administration are stranded in a medieval country hunted by fanatical Taliban killers while thousands of illegal aliens in America are being provided plane tickets and luxury buses to be transported around the country at tax payer expense.

Detailed information and photos leaked out of the Jacksonville Florida International Airport (JAX) show chartered planes packed with hundreds of illegals arriving in the early morning hours on a daily basis. The occupants of these flights are met by luxury busses that transport them to destinations in Atlanta, Nashville, and New Jersey.

After flying on “Air Biden” from Houston to Jacksonville at government expense on a chartered plane, illegal aliens board one of the Mike Limousine luxury buses for a pleasant trip to the destination of their choice, courtesy of the U.S. tax payer.

Fourth District Congressman John Rutherford (R-FL) told me during a phone conversation Wednesday, August 25, that despite the fact that he and other Republicans are working to stem the flow of illegals and secure the border, hundreds of thousands are getting across and being shuttled around the country in luxury by the Biden administration.

So far he said Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) function has routed 1,200 of these folks through the Jacksonville Airport, most from Mexico. “Many unaccompanied children are staying in the Jacksonville area and being cared for by local charities,” said the Congressman.

Democrats, he says, are thwarting his and Republican efforts to plug what the Democrats have left standing of the porous southern border.

Rutherford illustrated the damage being done by the Democrats exclaiming: “They cut $960 million from the Customs and Border Patrol budget right in the middle of all this. We can’t stop them as long as they’re in the majority.”

When it was suggested that when the Taliban, Al Qaida, ISIS, etc. look at the leaky U.S. southern border they see a way in to attack the U.S. The Congressman agreed saying, “We have identified people from 150 different countries coming across our southern border.”

The Congressman said that more than 1.2 million people have come across the border since the first of the year, 212,000 in July alone. “The good news is that some 865,000 have been sent back because Title 42 is still being enforced but 466,000 stayed. The bad news,” he says, “is those are just the ones we caught.”

The Biden welcome mat embraces them all: drug smugglers, terrorists, Covid infected, human traffickers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, who cares. Oh, and here’s your voter registration card already filled out for you. America’s back door is wide open to what Emma Lazarus’s Statue of Liberty poem asks for: “The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these…” And here they are, smack in our backyard.

My airport source says the immigrant flood there has been taking place for weeks, with planes discharging their illegal passengers onto waiting buses that are escorted by Jacksonville Aviation police cars.

Flights taxi to a remote section of the airport called Air Cargo 4, far from the passenger terminal and public view. It’s a gate used by NFL teams because of its remote location and easy access to Interstate 95. It’s also used exclusively by FedEx and other cargo carriers.

I watched from my car for more than two hours the other night along with columnist Steve Nicklaus of the local Fernandina Beach News Leader, as cargo planes taxied in and unloaded. There are no customs check points, passenger lounges, or TSA agents, only freight handling facilities. Vehicles enter and exit the runway via a gate in a chain link fence, with signs that warn unauthorized folks to stay out.

More than five hours after we left the airport Tuesday, an Avelo Boeing 737 arrived at 2:33 a.m. and 20-30 people deplaned and boarded two waiting buses from a Tallahassee company called Mike’s Limousine. My airport source says the flight number was VXP8401 and it originated in Houston.

The individual that provided us with the photos and alerted us to this situation with detailed information, is a veteran airport professional who reports that he witnesses this activity on a nightly basis.

He said that the ground handlers at the airport that meet the planes are paid three times the amount they normally receive because the government only gives them 3-4 hours advance notice before the flights arrive. “There’s not much work to be done,” he says, “because there is no luggage.”

The photo here shows people that deplaned boarding a bus Wednesday morning, August 25. It  was taken from the Air Cargo 4 FedEx ramp. The only thing missing was a Mariachi band and a taco stand to welcome them.

I called Mike’s Limousine Service in Tallahassee and asked where the buses were taking these passengers. Someone named Ted said he couldn’t give me any information about the buses because I wasn’t the person who ordered them and abruptly hung up. The JAX Airport’s Public Affairs office politely suggested that I contact Customs & Border Protection officials with questions about the flights.

While in the middle of his Afghanistan debacle, will an oblivious and detached Joe Biden repeat his Sunday, August 22 warning similar to the one he told Tropical Storm Henri victims by saying to his Biden Express passengers: “Don’t forget that you may need to seek shelter while we’re still battling COVID-19 and the Delta variant,” he said. “So, wear a mask and try to observe social distancing.” He may want to add: “Have a pleasant flight and thanks for flying Air Biden.”

Democrats have a nasty track record of abandoning oppressed people and rewarding the oppressors. The current Afghanistan scenario reeks of what they did during World War II when they turned away ships loaded with German Jews fleeing the Nazis who were later murdered in concentration camps. FDR knew about the camps and didn’t destroy the railway system that was taking innocents to their deaths. After the war his Democrat successor, Harry Truman, then snatched as many Nazi bomb and rocket makers as he could find to come and work in the U.S. exonerating them of any war crimes.

Democrats  haven’t changed.

Congressman Rutherford will speak Monday, August 30, at a “We The People” gathering Monday, August 30, at 5 p.m. at that venue’s covered outside patio. It’s open to the public.

(Note: This article was also posted in yesterday, Thursday, August 26, at:


Overheard at PJD’s Beer & Wine Garden: “Joe  Biden is about as in control of our country as he is of his bladder.”


The Ross Report:  Fernandina Beach Commissioner Chip Ross has suddenly become a frequent correspondent, supplying me with tidbits of information that he suggests I pass along here.

His three most recent notes addressed my personal property taxes, his personal lawsuit against the Port, and health insurance premiums for City Commissioners.

He begins every message saying: “I hope you and your family are well,” a sentiment whose sincerity I doubt. Or perhaps he asks all his constituents that in an attempt to gauge upcoming activity at the Nassau Baptist Hospital Emergency Room, where he serves as a doctor.

On Friday, August 20, he addressed me and local watchdog group Common Sense members in an email asking: “I am curious why you do not address the issue of certain City Commissioners having the City pay for their health insurance? City Commissioners are part time employees. The City does not pay for health insurance for any other part time employees. The City is budgeted to pay $9,297 for Commissioner Bean’s health insurance, $15,713 for Mayor Lednovich’s health insurance, and $13,203 for Commissioner Sturges’s health insurance. Do you support that expenditure, if so why, and if not why are you silent on the matter?”

On the same day he snitched on his fellow commissioners for  taking advantage of the health insurance option offered to them, he also informed me that Judge James Daniel has been named to preside over his personal suit against Nassau Terminals. He also said he filed a motion to hold the port company in contempt and requested a hearing.  And the Port responded with its own motion, and it goes on and on. Judge Steven Fahlgren, who previously presided, recused himself a week or so ago.

Why is he personally suing the organization? What’s his objective? What’s the city’s position and why isn’t it involved since it claims the Port owes it money, not Ross? What do you hope to gain here Commissioner?

Ross is sending tax statements to me and members of Common Sense that have been outspoken about tax increases. He only sends these missives to folks whose bills have gone down slightly, ignoring those who go up.

“Left Coast”

I agree with local citizens and Common Sense members who told Ross to stop blaming the tax payers for the increases by claiming they want more services but don’t want to pay for them. Cut the fat, and waste in the budget you pompous detached boor. You must think all property owners hereabouts are morons. An overwhelming 97 percent of readers of this blog said they want the Commission to cut the budget to avoid tax increases. The poll will remain up for one more week.

As far as the commissioner’s health insurance goes, I don’t think tax payers’ should be on the hook for their tab. I understand that Commissioner Bradley Bean works at Rayonier. Doesn’t that company offer a health plan among its benefits? Commissioner David Sturges is self-employed. What did he do for health insurance before getting elected? And Mayor Mike “Left Coast”  Lednovich’s premiums are hefty. Add his $12,0000 annual Commissioner stipend and he’s earning almost $30,000 in tax payer money for a part-time job that he’s not very good at performing. During a recent budget workshop Lednovich quickly ducked the health insurance topic saying: ““This has been brought up twice and it is insulting.  I don’t want to go there; I don’t want to play that game.”

If other city part-timers don’t have the option none should. I don’t think Commissioner Ross ingratiated himself by attempting to snatch this tax-paid goody from his fellow Commissioners, but he certainly cemented his reputation as an unlikeable jackass.

And speaking of jackasses, Mayor Lednovich appears to be the only city commissioner registered “No Party Affiliation” while all the others are registered Republicans. Without a doubt I am convinced that  ‘ole “Left Coast”, who hails from California, is as far left as Karl Marx since I’ve had many folks tell me they’ve overheard him say that rich people should be limited to how much money they can earn. He’s also declared to folks hereabouts that he’d like to see the statue of David Yulee in front of downtown’s old train station removed because Yulee was a slave owner. These are not the opinions of a local with conservative leanings. His California slip is showing.


Tim Poynter and his dad Don at Karibrew, April 2017. 

“Wizard Of Whimsey” Passes: About five years ago I sat across the table at downtown Fernandina Beach restaurant Karibo from one of the most fascinating and entertaining individuals I’ve ever met — Don Poynter — the father of local entrepreneur and restaurateur Tim Poynter.

I was informed that Don passed away recently in his hometown of Cincinnati at 96.

His life should be a book and perhaps one day it will be. But here are a few highlights of this amazing man’s’ life, a life that he crammed more interesting things into in his 96 years than an army of people could in their lifetimes combined.

At age 11, he began making and selling remote-controlled toy tanks and working cannons. In 1937, he became the youngest member of Puppeteers of America. Photos show him posing with a gorilla puppet he constructed from his mother’s discarded mink coat.

In 1940 he performed on the radio show Father Flanagan’s Boys Town, heard over NBC’s network and later on shows with Doris Day, Donald Nash (the voice of Donald Duck), Rosemary Clooney, and Andy Williams, among others.

In high school he lettered in track, ran hurdles and pole vaulted, and gained popularity as a drum major and baton twirler. Like many of his generation, his college years at the University of Cincinnati were interrupted by military service in the Army.

During his service, he performed for the troops as a ventriloquist, magician, and baton twirler. After completing his service, he returned to UC, graduating in 1949 with a degree in business and serving as class president. While there, he entertained students and alums and garnered national attention with his drum majoring and baton twirling at halftime shows, including twirling on stilts, unicycle, and tight wire.

While still in college, he secured a patent for Play Logs, a building toy he designed, manufactured, and sold via mail order for more than a decade. It was the first of many patents he would earn in his lifetime. His twirling skills drew the attention of Abe Saperstein, who engaged him to tour internationally for three years as a performer and assistant tour director with the Harlem Globetrotters, including shooting 3D film for the team. In 1952, he married fellow UC student Mona Castellini, and part of their honeymoon was spent on tour with the Globetrotters. Mona preceded Don in death in 2007 after 55 years of marriage.

Jayne Mansfield relaxing among the Don Poynter created hot water bottles.

As founder of Poynter Products in 1954, he created and designed bestselling toys and novelty items. His breakout item, Whiskey Flavored Toothpaste, was featured in LIFE magazine and landed him on What’s My Line? (where he stumped the panel and won $50). Some of his most successful products include The Thing, Jayne Mansfield Hot Water Bottle, Rube Goldberg Cigarette Lighter, The Executive Waste Basket Ball, Matchbox Steer-n-Go, and Mighty Tiny World’s Smallest Record Player, among many others. Numerous items were featured on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, Good Morning America, and Late Night with David Letterman.

Don was a featured guest on Tom Snyder’s Tomorrow Show, Huntley Brinkley, and Good Morning America. He also found time to make films and stage shows. He produced, directed, and filmed 13 children television shows, and he conceived and produced Midnight at Eight, a stage anthology of horror and suspense classics starring Basil Rathbone.

He designed a national promotion for the Dry-Cleaning Industry and secured the rights to the Walt Disney film characters that he had printed on paper for dry cleaning bags. Walt Disney stated, “it was the best promotion he had ever seen.”

Needing a venue to demonstrate an invention in the 1960’s led to a new direction of developing golf courses, Triple Crown Country Club being the latest passion that continued into his 90’s.

“He touched so many people in his life,” says son Tim, “We will probably be hearing stories until we’re all gone.” Daughter Molly says, “In a conversation with Pat Green, a colleague of my father’s for 47 years, I said, ‘What an amazing roller coaster ride’ and he replied, ‘And we had the best seats.” When asked shortly before he passed what his goal was in life, Don responded: “To bring joy to people and make them smile.”

I told my friend and west coast columnist, screen writer and pundit Burt Prelutsky about Don not long ago and Burt commented, calling him the “Wizard of Whimsey” and when I told him of Don’s passing he added, “I never met him, but I miss him.”

A column I wrote about Don can be read by going to

Sympathy can be expressed, and additional information be found at

  • Comment (19)
  • Thanks for shining some light on the movement of illegals through our airports by the Biden people – if it was all on the up and up, why are they transiting through cargo terminals at night ? And then ferrying the illegals to other cities using tour busses, as if they’re carrying a sports team or some rock band ? How does Biden & Co get away with this activity ?

  • I feel so useless just sitting here doing nothing. I want to do something to try and stop the insanity of what’s going on but don’t have a clue where to go or start! If you have a job for me to tell, snitch, watch, or just be a voice I’m there. We’ve spoken many times at Pj’s and Florida house. I’m keiths wife

  • Ross only cares about himself and what he does for a “living” by stating at each and every turn that he is a Dr and works in the ER. We get it!! Why does that have to be stated every time he opens his mouth? He makes it sound as though he’s working 24/7 in the ER when in reality, he works one 11 hour shift per month! I’ll give him credit for those hours, but give the real credit to those who are there, killing themselves each and every long day to keep us all alive! It’s time for Ross to stop patting himself on the back and move on, he is an insincere, self absorbed bully who takes pleasure in browbeating applicants who truly want to make our city better. My opinion.

  • Good investigative reporting Dave. Let us not forget the 10,000’s of Afghan refugees we’re bring over here too! I mean does the Taliban, ISIS and al Qaeda where colors so we can recognize them on the flights? We certainly owe it to the Afghans that helped us over the past 20 years, to ensure their safety, but how are they vetting them? Food for thought…

  • My thanks to Dave Scott for mentioning, once again, our “We the People” gathering on August 30 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. I’m the founder of this group. If you are feeling like commenter, Jill Laroche, and want to do something to stop the insanity, I encourage you to attend our gatherings. RSVP at 904-310-9602. As usual, we are about sold out already, but I’ll be happy to chat and tell you more.

  • Put aside the obvious disgusting fact of slavery and slave owners for a moment. David Yulee was a traitor to the United States when he disrespected his oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the United States when we was sworn in a a UNITED States Senator. Why we celebrate traitors who supported a war AGAINST the UNITED STATES, with statues is beyond comprehension. Benedict Arnold tried to give West Point to the British, do we have a statue of him? of course not. ANY traitor should never have had a statue erected in his honor in the first place, and we certainly should take down ALL statues of traitors that exist today…even if they were colonels in The UNITED States Army and then betrayed the USA by leading a four-year insurrection against the UNITED States. One would think all TRUE Patriots, liberal AND conservative would be unanimous in this belief…but apparently white supremacy trumps true patriotism! Somehow, the Hypocrite Party comes to mind, yet again!

    • I just can’t with you… why do even bother reading and posting here? Your useless banter and liberal worship is beyond ridiculous.

    • And on a different note Dave, I can’t believe you are still in the Port Commissioners and Ragucci’s camp (or is it their pocket?), considering the illegal and immoral crap that has been happening and is apparently still ongoing. You say the Fernandina Observer is the PR department for the City? I say you are the PR department for the OHPA. Amazing, considering you say you are advocating for City Taxpayers, but continue to turn a blind eye to the OHPA. As a City taxpayer, I am GLAD Chip Ross is taking on this fight.

  • Thanks for the investigative reporting on this! I called Mike’s limousine in Tallahassee. I think people should bombard them with phone calls, questioning their motives. The phone number for Mike’s limousine is 850-933-6683. If one prefers to be anonymous, use *67 although they may choose not to answer a “no caller ID”
    I asked “Ted” why he would transport illegals from Jacksonville airport. I also asked who was paying him and why he would take money for something like this which is harmful to our country.
    He said he really didn’t need to talk to me and hung up. Same response that you received. Wonder what they’re being paid…
    What sort of company would support these efforts, especially under the cover of darkness to hide this from their own neighbors/countrymen? And we’re all paying for this with our tax dollars. It’s an affront to the immigrants who’ve come to our country and proudly achieved citizenship legally.
    Meanwhile, and even more dire is the situation on the international front. As your headline points out, our own citizens and those who supported us have been left to die and to fear for their lives in Afghanistan. Will the real hypocrite party please stand up?

  • The Boot Monument is an American Revolutionary War memorial located in Saratoga National Historical Park, New York. It commemorates Major General Benedict Arnold’s service at the Battles of Saratoga in the Continental Army, but does not name him.

  • My guess is that Dave is emboldened by Tucker Carlson’s successful defense of a defamation lawsuit where his attorneys argued, and the Trump appointed judge agreed, that no reasonable person would believe him. Therefore his lies aren’t actionable. This however may not hinder Mike’s Limousine from seeking a defamation lawsuit against Dave. However, I must admit that the image of some old coot sitting in his car yelling the “aliens are landing” does make for some hilarity. Then again, I suppose I shouldn’t find amusement in another person’s mental decline.

  • Democrats can run a secret criminal airlift for illegal migrants but can’t successfully educate children in the cities they control. They can’t administer a municipal law enforcement system or an evacuation of our citizens and allies from Afganistan. They can’t safeguard our borders. Does anyone really trust them to properly manage a voting process? Who in their right mind votes for these people to lawfully manage anything?

  • Since when is reporting a fact supported by photos a defamation of one’s reputation? When faced with the truth, the playbook says threaten and sue to quiet critics. If the limo company suffers as a result of Dave’s exposure, it’s no different then certain groups calling for boycotts of a business that supports a particular candidate or party. It all depends on who’s ox is being gored. So suck it up buttercup.. if you can dish it out, you have to be able to take it.

    • I don’t even have to look you up to know you’re not an attorney or any other legal professional. If Mr. Scott has photos and facts proving that illegal aliens are being moved through the Jacksonville Airport he sure hasn’t made them available via this blog. Now, if Republican congressman John Rutherford and GOP gubernatorial hopeful Rob Astorino (and Dave Scott) want to put down their dog whistles long enough to explain their solutions for handling undocumented and unaccompanied children then I’m all ears. Otherwise, this smells exactly like the same tactics used by racist whites to justify their lynching of blacks.

  • Part time elected officials have better healthcare than the majority of citizens they are overlords to!

    Why should elected officials of retirement age even be eligible for city healthcare coverage? Save the city money and don’t accept it. You spend $12,000 to run for office. Pays $12,000 salary with great health coverage. It’s obscene. I should run! Taxpayers being bamboozled once again.

  • “The Thing”. Yes, I remember it well. A little black box with a toggle switch on top. You pushed the switch to turn it on and a little hand emerged from the box and pushed the toggle switch to turn it off. That’s it. This device seems to have predated Mr. Poynter by a decade or two.

    However – A quick Google search under “Useless Machines” referenced Mr. Poynter as inventing a similar machine which I also remember. You placed a penny on top, turned it on, and a hand came out of the little box, grabbed the penny, and disappeared back into the box.

    It’s amazing what entertained kids (and some adults) in the 1950s.
    Thanks for the memories, Mr. Poynter.


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