Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

Biden Says He’s Doing “Goodest” Job He Can Do

During the Friday, July 5 George Stephanopoulos interview on ABC News Joe Biden mumbled: “If Trump wins in November, I’ll feel as long as I gave it my all and did the goodest job I know I could do.”

At the Thursday, June 27 debate he ended one of his most incoherent mumbling episodes muttering that he  “..beat Medicare”.

He explained his disastrous debate performance to Stephanopoulos saying: “I, uh, prepared what I usually would do, sitting down as I did, come back with foreign leaders or National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized about partway through that, you know, I quoted The New York Times had me down 10 points before the debate, nine now or whatever the hell it is. The fact of the matter is that what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn’t, I mean, the way the debate ran, not — my fault, no one else’s fault — no one else’s fault.”

Well, that certainly clears that up. Biden’s the kid in the sixth grade you felt sorry for when the teacher called on him to read his book report in front of the class.

At a recent political rally this week he said he would “beat Donald Trump again in 2020”, and that he was “the first black woman… to serve with a black president.”

Nothing he says makes sense. Even when he uses a teleprompter he also reads the “pause here”  instructions to him in parentheses.

We can only imagine what the actual tapes of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s interview with Biden must be like. All we got from Biden’s Department of Injustice is an edited transcript and a statement saying that the President is an elderly man with a poor memory and therefore can’t be tried for stowing highly secret documents in his garage and elsewhere. They refuse to release the tapes of the interview. They would show that Biden is an empty vessel incapable of thinking on his own, that he’s on the edge of senility.

My long-time Tampa friend and American Spectator writer Larry Thornberry perfectly summed up Biden’s recent appearances and the media’s extensive coverup writing: “Reading the full transcript of last night’s (Friday, July 5) interview is a sobering experience. I don’t recommend it for the faint of heart.

“It was about what we had every right to expect from our Zombie-in Chief. But the shocker of Friday night has to be George Stannyfannyfopolis’s pretty fair impersonation of a journalist. He asked tough, relevant questions and was tenacious. But I won’t praise him too highly. He and his colleagues in the mainstream media, who now proclaim themselves to be shocked! Shocked! that Sleepy Joe has lost the plot, are waaay too late to the dance.

“Joe has been off with the fairies for the longest, and these guys and gals have been covering for him. For three years now, on the rare occasions they’ve been given the opportunity, they’ve been asking Joe questions at the level of toughness and relevance as: ‘What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?’ or ‘If you were a flower, what kind would you be?’

“It’s so bloody obvious now that Joe has completed his life’s journey from goo-goo to gaga they can no longer run this scam. George, some of his media  associates, and the odd Democrat (some of them very odd), are finally admitting that they’re believing their own eyes, They at last see that Joe belongs in a home for the bewildered, not at 1600. This in spite of what “Doctor” Jill says. (Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain.)”

The only folks closest to this mess that deserve any sympathy are Biden’s sign language translators who must be practicing their shrugs and puzzled expressions over his incomprehensible mumbo jumbo. And what about the foreign translators for Putin, Xi, or the madmen in charge of Iran and North Korea? How do they interpret his nonsensical gibberish to their psychopathic bosses?

This entire bizarre situation could easily be a pilot for black comedy films such as “Dr. Strangelove” or the Marx Brothers’ “Duck Soup.”   Except it’s not funny. It’s dangerous. Biden is displaying that not only is he unfit for another four years but unfit for the next six months.

Biden should be sitting in a rocking chair on the front porch of an assistant living facility, sipping lemonade, and feeding the ducks, not stumbling around the Oval Office bumping into the furniture.


You Read It Here First: Last week I listed the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease and how they parallel Biden’s movements and speech patterns. Apparently I was on to something.

Currently even the mainstream media, including the New York Times, are suggesting that’s what afflicts Biden.

A testy White House Press Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre was flustered during a recent chaotic White House press briefing where the bumbling diversity hire attempted to lie her way out of a report that a neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s Disease had visited the White House eight times.

CBS correspondent Ed O’Keefe and NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell had the inept DEI hire tied in more knots than her daily struggle with her hair curler and massive briefing book as she tried to lie her way out of the mess.


Florida’s A Bastion Of Republicanism, thanks to successful, charismatic GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Democrats used to lead Republicans by roughly 250,000 voters in party registration when DeSantis was inaugurated in 2019. As of July of this year Republicans now outnumber Democrat voters by nearly one million, according to Florida’s Voice.

This means “Florida shifted over 1.2 million voters, or 8.81%, in the GOP’s favor in pure registration,” the local publisher noted.


A Trump Landslide Coming? David Axelrod, former chief strategist, and senior advisor for Brack Obama said the recent Biden fiasco could result in a Trump landslide victory.

“He’s not winning this race,” said Axelrod, referring to Biden. “If you just look at the data and talk to people around the country, political people around the country, it’s more likely that he’ll lose by a landslide than win narrowly.”

Biden could go down in presidential election history alongside prior Democrat candidates Walter Mondale, George McGovern, and Jimmy Carter as one of the worst contenders to ever run for President and one of the biggest losers the past 50 years.

For example, Republican Richard Nixon won the 1972 election against George McGovern in a walk, winning the electoral college 520-17. He won every state but Massachusetts. McGovern didn’t even win his home state South Dakota.

The McGovern campaign was also notable for its struggle to find a suitable vice presidential candidate, tossing first choice, Missouri Senator Thomas Eagleton, overboard and eventually settling on little-known Ted Kennedy brother-in-law and diplomat, Sargent Shriver.

In 1980 Ronald Reagan cleaned incumbent Jimmy Carter’s clock winning 90.89 percent of the electoral college, 489-49 based on Carter’s dreadful performance over the previous four years.

In 1984 incumbent Republican Ronald Reagan scored a decisive re-election bid in every state except former Carter VP Walter Mondale’s native Minnesota. His winning total of 525 electoral votes remains the highest number of electoral votes ever received by a presidential candidate. Mondale managed just 13 electoral college votes.

This November Biden’s name will likely be added to this list of record-making Democrat losers.

Cackling klutz, Kamala Harris, is as much a drag on Biden’s candidacy as his incompetency and obvious cognitive issues. Even if he could convince a more polished Flossie the Wonder Chicken to replace the cackling VP Harris, Biden is still presidential toast.


Speaking Of Talent & Landslides: Amelia Island boasts many authors, business titans, high ranking government officials and other luminaries who make the island a permanent or second home.

One of the most esteemed newsmen, authors, pundits, and public speakers that reside here fulltime is Neal Freeman, a colleague and friend of the late William F. Buckly and former Washington, D.C. Bureau Chief of Buckley’s National Review magazine.

Neal is a witness and participant in presidential campaign history having worked with Buckley, John Dos Pasos, and other conservative giants to get Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater nominated as  the GOP’s 1964 candidate against Lyndon Johnson, that ended in a crushing Goldwater defeat.

Neal relates the story of how Buckley and his National Review team pulled Goldwater across the line with a team that essentially ran the GOP convention that year. It’s a fascinating and insightful read by a gifted writer who not only witnessed the proceedings but was a key participant. Read Neal’s fascinating eye-witness account at


A Tipping Tip:  While having lunch with a few pals at South 14th Street’s Coastal Pizza recently a generous dining companion picked up the tab for the group. I noticed that he appeared to be writing a note to the server on the receipt. He showed it to me, and it said: “No taxes on tips. Vote Trump! He left a more than generous cash tip that goes directly into the server’s pocket and not through management and the credit card company.

The American hospitality industry makes up a huge chunk of the population. Trump’s promise to not tax tips could generate a massive voter turnout for the GOP this November, leaving the “Give us a free lunch” Democrat crowd in the dust.

I add that message from now on whenever I pay by card, and then leave a cash tip.      


 Red, White & Blue Burger:  With the exception of Joe Biden’s Uncle Bosey, it’s been said that who you dine with is nearly as important as what you dine on.

 One of the hungry Fat Men From Space landed at Fernandina’s 626 South 3rd Street’s American Legion Post 54 recently for  a burger luncheon that’s is open to the public. He discovered that from 11:00 to 1:30 pm folks “can enjoy a great cheeseburger. But here’s the special sauce, you get to enjoy the company of some members of the Greatest Generation.”

The Fatman reports that for a mere $8 folks can enjoy a tasty half pounder and a side of sizzling hot French fries, did I mention it was only $8? Lettuce, slab of tomato, pickles, onions, or none at all. That’s Freedom, yes?

I promise if you keep your ears open, you’ll her snippets of stories from men and women who kept us free in the last century. Shared recollections from long ago encounters, generally followed by a smallish laugh shared among aging heroes.

Why not throw a $20 down on the bar and  just say “Thanks!” Before  the final face wipe after a really good cheeseburger. Remember, citizens, these are only available on Wednesdays from 11 to 1:30 p.m. and cooked by a fellow named Russell.

Beer, wine, and mixed drinks are available as are iced tea and sodas. Domestic draft beers are just $2.50.

  • Comment (22)
  • I can’t find fault with anything written in this week’s blog about Biden. He’s angered so many supporters that they’re left with either voting against Trump or not voting at all. Certainly the pool of people voting FOR Biden has shrunk to a level of little consequence. Regarding the increase in registered Republicans, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Soon there will be a massive wave of federal employees changing their party affiliation from Democrat to Republican out of fear of losing their jobs to Schedule F if and when Trump is reelected. McCarthy-ist investigation are already underway. Next will be the opening of ballots to determine how and for whom an individual voted in order to root out those who don’t swear fealty to the Orange God. The USA had a good ride for 250 years. The death of Democracy is upon us.

    • When you read this stuff…. You wonder, is there anyone out there that really believes this dribble. Thank you, Knot Moderate Majority (KMM), there is. What the left is afraid of is that Trump will use the lefts playbook against them. Use the Justice department to go after your political rival. Use the IRS to go after your political enemy. Use the media to spread fabricated stories. Use the Justice department to break into the homes of the opposing party. Use the full power of the government against its own citizens. KMM is correct in asserting the end of democracy, but he needs to look over his shoulder, you already started it. That’s the finish line you’re looking at with Trumps inauguration, not the starting gate. It’s called Phycology 101, projection. Give it up, it’s flatlining. You forget to remember Trump has already been in office once, he didn’t pull the crap that the left is projecting and currently doing. You know the trials were coordinated because the slogans were choreographed, and bumper stickers created, before the trials were held. Ought to make it obvious but obviously not for KMM.
      If you really knew Biden, you would know he has been a few fries short of a happy meal when his lunch was fresh. His gears started slipping about 50 years ago, not within the last few months. And that dude is now over served. These latest events were not an epiphany, the cover just came off the media big lie.
      Here is the real concern of the left. If Trump is elected the rest of the cover is coming off. Just declassify all the lies. The current manifestation of the Democratic hard-left will need to re-invent itself, again, again.
      You would be correct in pointing out my real name is not Bill Clinton. But I’m closer to being Bill Clinton than you are to being the Moderate Majority.

      • Mr. Clinton. In fact, Trump did try to weaponize the Justice Dept and was very successful in politicizing it. Sessions, Barr, Comey…ring a bell? Now you and your other conspiracy-addled cohorts want us to believe that Biden, the same Biden who can’t tell Harris from Trump, or Zelensky from Putin, is the shrewd mastermind behind manipulating and coercing state attorneys and juries into bringing charges and convictions against Trump. And yet not one person or shred of evidence has been unearthed to expose this masterful scheme you rant about.

    • The death of democracy is upon us given the unvetted invasion of 15 million people, censorship and a multi tiered justice system. Fortunately the more than overwhelming majority of Americans have seen through this – the fate of the country will likely come down to close to honest elections in 30 or so counties

    • I’m hopeful you’re not right. But, let’s not forget the Obama era of silently retiring (firing) conservative officers in the military. The weaponization of political agenda goes way back. One must be able to be truthful about his own party!

    • I see the liberal mindhive is alive and well with you. They have convinced you that Orange Man Bad!!!!!! You really must get out more and read some of the other opinions. It might open your eyes to a bigger world.

    • Good read, Ron. I encourage others to read your attachment. Thank you sir for sharing.

  • I received a grift card from coastal pizza from some guest who spent a few days with us. Between moving between Amelia and our summer home in Blairsville Ga, I lost it.
    Went to the pizza place and told owner and he insulted me. Never go there again and have invformed many friends and family of the incident. Hope he develops some southern hospitality then maybe I’ll stop bad mouthing coastal pizza. See you at legion Dave

    • I misplaced a one ounce gold coin, worth around $2500 today. Who can I complain to about my ineptitude?

    • I lost a Rolex Presidential and went to Underwood’s and they insulted me. They said I was an idiot for losing it and how was that their fault. I like their watches, but to spike Underwood’s I decided to come here and try to shame them.

      • I mean it’s not like I lost something priceless like a gift card for a pizza that I didn’t even pay for. I really needed a pizza gift card more than that watch because I need gas money to travel between my summer house in the mountains of Georgia and my winter spot on Amelia Island.

        • The above rude (the real Jake) comment rings of that short guy who loves to catfish on this blog.
          Great blog today Dave

  • When even “Moderate Majority” thinks Biden is toast, it’s only a matter of time before the trapdoor opens and he vanishes from the stage. Please calm down, as The Donald showed no tendencies to erase “Democracy” when he was last President for four years. In any case, “Democracy” is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. We have a Constitutional Republic with some Democratic elections- IF we can keep it.

    It is beyond absurd- and dangerous that we have a mentally incompetent “President” installed under questionable circumstances and covered up so extensively by media and Dems. It was obvious to many of us though and we were just labeled conspiracy theorists for it.

    I hope that Trump will be able to give “The Deep State” a major haircut.

    • Spot on, George. The corrupt Democrats, the lying lame stream media, and unelected big gubamint bureaucrats all fear the new “barbershop” opening in early January. And when elected, Donald Trump has promised to end taxes on tips – hip, hip, hooray ! Vote for Trump !!

  • My take away is that I cannot wait to get one of those big burgers at the Legion!

    The Biden story is 4 years old.

  • I am sick of hearing people talk about “the death of democracy.” You wouldn’t want to see what a true “democracy” looks like because it would strongly resemble socialism.
    For those too brainwashed by greedy politicians and the mockingbird mainstream media, this country was designed to be a democratic REPUBLIC featuring three major branches of government: Executive (POTUS), Judicial (SCOTUS) and Legislative (Congress: a bicameral legislature with one House equally apportioned to the states and the other representative by apportioned population. And all of the above has grown way too big & powerful and way too corrupt, ruling over, rather representing, us. Nevertheless, the United States is NOT a democracy!

  • Dave, It’s too bad you can’t also report on the other side of the coin – is Trump any more qualified then Biden? He is only 3 yrs younger and has displayed many of the same mental issues as Biden. Unlike Biden he hasn’t allowed any of his medical results to be open to the public. In the last few months he has had Biden getting us into WW2, has mixed up names, can’t remember what city he is in, his wife’s name, and on and on. He has laid claim to things he hasn’t done, lying more then 30 times during the controversial debate. He is worshiped by the Moral Majority, and is selling a Bible for $59.99 plus T,S,&H, though he can’t remember a single quote from the Bible. Have you and any of your supporters read the Project 2025? He is trying to back away from it, but many of his ideas are in there. He won’t admit he lost the 2020 election, nor that he encouraged the angry mob to attack the Capital, and calls those in jail for their crimes hostages. I keep hearing the expression “Are you ready to drink the Kool-Aid?” and I have to wonder, Dave, are you?

  • Considering the fact that Nassau county had an over 72% majority Republican vote in 2016 and 2020 I can see now that the lefty lunatics infiltration on our island has become what the border has become, a flood. You guys hate while being blind to the peace, prosperity, and strength our country had under Trump. Deregulation, lower taxes, higher wages, job growth, (even though you believe Biden “created” jobs after Covid) the Abraham peace accords, and no wars. Inflation was not a thing, but yet you hate him. No wars in 40 years and yet you hated him. Energy independence and yet you hated him. Gas prices, energy, housing costs, everyday expenses that require on average of 5000.00 additional dollars per year just to survive and yet you still hate him………maybe it’s time you reexamine your position politically and if you truly love our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC……it’s not a Democracy.

    • Fortunately, although perhaps not for you, many of us know the difference between correlation and causation. While the U.S. found itself in the throes of inflation, so did 44 other advanced economies. I suppose you’d then argue that had Donald Trump been the supreme leader of the world, inflation would have been altogether avoided post-pandemic. Higher wages under Trump? Riddle me this: What happens to the average wage when low-wage workers are laid off disproportionately as happened during the COVID-19 pandemic? Can you say, “artificial numbers”? Here are some real numbers for you. During Trump’s time in office: jobs fell by almost 3 million, the unemployment rate rose to 6.3%, the economic growth rate fell by 3.4%, people without health insurance rose to over 3 million, manufacturing jobs fell by 154,000, federal debt held by the public increased by 50%, and the trade deficit increased by 40.5%. We can play these correlation vs causation games all day. The real question is, are you willing to do the work to determine which is which? Given the contents of your post, I already have my answer. As for your tired and over-used retort taken right out of the conservative playbook, democracy and republic are frequently used to mean the same thing: a government in which the people vote for their leaders. This was the important distinction at the time of the founding of the United States, in direct contrast with the rule of a king, or monarchy, in Great Britain. Trump tried to overturn the election through various means – including coercion of government officials and the use of fake electors. Trump lied and has continued to lie about a stolen election. Trump does not respect the will of the people or the Electoral College that ended his presidency. Yet, his flock continues to bow to him and not only believe his lies but defend them as well. Hence the fear that democracy is dying.

  • To quote the famous Dan Aykroyd, Peg,Peg, Peg, you ignorant ——-. The venom and hate that Donald Trump has received from the never Trumpers, the media and the opposing party has never stopped. Ever since he ran for office in 2016
    . The culmination of these vile falsehoods, comparing trump to hitler and Biden saying Trump needs to be targeted has resulted in him being shot. Talk about fact checking, what party represents, supports and encourages protests and then pays the fines or drops charges for those who break the law.
    People died during the riots of the summer of 2020. How many were prosecuted and spent time in jail? Who die on 1/6/21, a single woman Vet. Shot point blank climbing through a window in the .Capital.
    And oh by the way who got up after being shot and waved to the crowd to let them know he was going to fight on.
    Biden takes two weeks to recover from along airplane flight where he can sleep and eat.
    II’m sure your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid is sour grapes.


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