Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

In Case Of Emergency Run Away From That EV — Not In It!

Electric vehicles are great, unless you want to go someplace in a hurry like, you know, the emergency room or maybe take an evacuation route while looking in your rearview mirror at a wildfire, flood, or tornado.

They’re also terrific, unless you want to take a road trip to a wilderness area, a national park, mountain range, desert, a hunting or fishing preserve or drive through Nevada.

In California if you going to go into labor or get appendicitis don’t do those things between 4 pm and 9 pm because that’s when the state’s grid operators issued warnings to avoid charging your electric vehicle. Schedule all personal emergencies outside of those times please because the state is running short of electricity.

California Democrats, for all their efforts to make electric vehicles the only viable option for transportation, aren’t addressing these issues. Instead, they’re saying these vehicles are the solution to global warming, climate change, and vehicle emission. But that’s just stupid.

While touting the environmental impact of these vehicles the orange-haired, “green” fanatics and climate alarmists with bolts in their noses who live with five cats in their parents’ basements, and drive mom’s Tesla ignore a variety of issues such as the effects of electric cars on the power grid, their material intensive nature, and the environmental impacts of battery waste. Oh, EVs also have a tendency to unexpectedly blow up and inconveniently burst into flames when wet.

And it’s not just these bothersome issues that are keeping mainstream consumers away from EVs. It’s also their practicality and astronomical prices. Hotcars reports that 69 percent of American consumers would rather not buy an electrical vehicle.

Reddy Kilowatt could be the EV’s Dr. Fauci 

The EV movement is running on fumes. It needs a superannuated nerd to breathe life into its crusade, the way the Covid drumbeaters used Dr. Fauci, who became the archetype of masks, questionable vaccines, and unwarranted business and school lockdowns until a wised-up public yanked away the raspy-voiced little weasel’s curtain.

They need a re-energized Reddy Kilowatt….a dancing sparkie, maybe a gay cross dresser like the ones they drag (pun intended) in to read to your elementary school kids then dare you to criticize because they’ll label you a homophobe.

Much to the green freaks’ chagrin, gasoline and diesel are undisputed winners when natural disasters whack the electricity grid.

Many of the evacuation roads are through remote areas and the countryside, and few of them have charging stations. And even if the evacuation road takes you on the highway, expect to get stranded because of traffic jams.

Last year , CNBC established that “the U.S. EV charging network isn’t ready for your family road trip.” Kristina Swallow, the Director of the Nevada Department of Transportation, said in a letter to the Federal Highway Administration that “there are a lot of areas in the American West, including Nevada, that do not have any type of electrical service.”

When Hurricane Ian hit Florida, many people stayed put, believing that their neighborhoods were secure. However, after the hurricane made landfall, they recognized that it would have been safer to leave. At this point, it was too late to evacuate because of power outages. Families could no longer charge their electric vehicles and were stuck.

CNBC, for example, pointed out that it takes “about 45 minutes to fully charge an EV, sometimes longer.” By contrast, filling your tank with gas takes just a few minutes. If you live in California, which will ban gas-powered gas car sales by 2035, you’re in deep doo-doo as the University of California at Davis estimates that state alone will need 1.9 million charging stations to accommodate the influx of mandated electric cars. Good luck. Oh, and if you’re driving an EV try and plan your escape route while avoiding Nevada.

And unless it’s a hybrid, folks can’t lug cans of electricity in the trunks of their cars like they can with gas or diesel fuel.

There are also several other risks associated with having an EV during a disaster that have gone unnoticed until now.

Some Florida homes that escaped Ian faced a new danger: electric vehicles catching fire due to their batteries being corroded by the floods.

Florida State Rep. Bob Rommel and state Fire Marshal Jim Patronis were particularly vocal about the threat of EV fires in the aftermath of Ian.

Rommel described a house that had managed to outlast the hurricane but couldn’t survive the EV fire that later started in the garage.

“On October 6th, I joined North Collier Fire Rescue to assess response activities related to Hurricane Ian and saw with my own eyes an EV continuously ignite, and continually reignite, as fireteams doused the vehicle with tens-of-thousands of gallons of water,” Patronis wrote.

“Subsequently, I was informed by the fire department that the vehicle, once again reignited when it was loaded onto the tow truck. Based on my conversations with area firefighters, this is not an isolated incident. As you can appreciate, I am very concerned that we may have a ticking time bomb on our hands.”

Traditional means of stopping the fire, like dousing it in water, are often insufficient to put out the flames because the battery packs are hard to reach and retain enough heat to reignite over and over again as soon as the water stops flowing. In 2019, it was reported that firefighters in the Netherlands were forced to submerge a BMW i8 in a tank of water for 24 hours due to a particularly persistent battery fire.

EV on fire in a SW Florida garage 

Since the current fleet of EVs obtain their electricity from coal and gas and get their battery materials from mines in impoverished African countries and China it’s understandable why folks are less than enthusiastic.

Diana Furchtgott-Roth, Director of Energy, Climate, and Environment at the Heritage Foundation, put the belief that electric vehicles will save America to rest saying: “American consumers are being asked to pay higher prices for electric vehicles — which depend on higher prices for less-dependable electricity that may not be available during peak demand or in the aftermath of wildfires, tornadoes, and hurricanes. This is not a resilient, prosperous future.”

(An abridged version of this commentary ran in my BizPacReview column this week at


 Speaking Of Disasters:  After all the Hurricane Ian damage, President Biden is sending generators to Florida to help in dealing with the power problem. Why isn’t he sending solar cells and wind generators his administration says are so efficient and effective?


Another Reason For DeSantis’s Popularity: Governor Ron DeSantis issued a blunt warning Friday, September 30 to those who intended to take advantage of Ian’s Florida devastation by looting and plundering.

“At the end of the day, we are not going to allow lawlessness to take advantage of this situation. We are a law-and-order state, and this is a law-and-order community, so do not think that you’re going to go take advantage of people who’ve suffered misfortune,” he said during a press conference held near Fort Myers.

To drive his point home, he described a sign he’d seen while touring an affected community on Thursday, according to Florida Politics.

“They boarded up all the businesses, and there are people that wrote on their plywood, ‘you loot, we shoot,’” he said.

During another event later that day in St. Augustine, the governor said: “I can tell you, in the state of Florida, you never know what may be lurking behind somebody’s home. I would not want to chance that if I were you, given that we’re a Second Amendment state,” he explained.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, meanwhile, posted a video of looters being arrested and doubled down on DeSantis’ warning.

“Florida will not tolerate looters taking advantage of #HurricaneIan to prey on vulnerable Floridians. They will be arrested, and I have asked state attorneys to seek the longest pretrial detention possible to keep them locked up so they cannot commit new crimes,” she wrote.


Biden’s Welcome Wagon:  Since Joe Biden took office close to five million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. into southwest border states and are spreading out across the country. It’s estimated that millions of these are “got-a-ways” or folks who don’t want to be caught –possibly drug and human smugglers, terrorists, those with criminal records, previous deportees, etc.  The welcome mat is out, the southern border is wide open, and illegals are pouring in unimpeded at our expense. Biden and his nitwit Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have converted Border Security personnel into tour guides, paper processors and caregivers.

The Biden administration has transformed the border patrol into the Welcome Wagon providing illegal aliens with gift bags containing cell phones, money, Covid vaccines, plane and bus tickets and more. A $169.33 day pass to Disney World doesn’t come close to buying this kind of VIP treatment.

The country is suffering a major housing shortage. So where are these people supposed to live and who is paying? Who is housing hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors, and who is paying to educate them? None of them speak English, so who pays for the remedial teachers? Few of the illegals have English literacy skills. Who is supposed to employ these people, and doing what, and how, since none have any papers for payroll taxes, and are here illegally?

Ask a liberal Democrat if he or she is willing to support an illegal’s family and you’ll get the Martha’s Vineyard treatment: “We love ‘em, but YOU support ‘em and house ’em somewhere else, please. We’ll be observing through heavy lenses.” The hypocritical liberal jerks that cheer this mess want nothing to do with helping or the cost of actually taking care of the illegals, that’s somebody else’s job. The sanctuary cities of Washington, D.C., New York City, Chicago, Martha’s Vineyard, and others have all displayed their hypocritical, self-serving concern for illegals.

U.S. citizens have enough problems. The average American is faced with the inflationary cost of food, gasoline, heating fuel, and many other commodities and the federal government is adding millions of mouths for us to feed, house, educate, and provide medical care. What’s going on? Is this what we voted for? As Louisiana Republican Senator John Kennedy would say: “The short answer is “No.” The long answer is “Hell No.”

I’ve had Nassau County teachers and parents contact me and tell me our schools hereabouts are not immune. They tell me our local schools are teeming with illegal immigrant children much to the detriment of their own kids. Not one of the teachers would agree to allow me to identify them for fear they would be retaliated against by school officials. Parents said “no, don’t mention my name ” for fear their kids would suffer as a result. Nassau County School Superintendent Kathy Burns has some ‘splaining to do but she ain’t talking.


Express Your Opinion Nov. 8: Election day is less than three weeks away providing us all an opportunity to express our opinion at the ballot box with the twits that got us into this current mess.

If you vote for a Democrat you obviously favor their model of unprecedented spending, easy money, more regulations, higher taxes, and open borders, thus leading to slow growth and higher inflation. If you vote Republican then you opt for a secure border, moderate spending, sound money, less regulations, and lower taxes. Just saying!

If you’re concerned about inflation and high taxes you’re got company. According to a new Politico/Morning Consult poll, “Americans are expressing deep pessimism about the economy and rising inflation. More than 90 percent of voters are concerned about the U.S. economy and inflation,” Politico  explained on Wednesday, October 19.

Until Republicans are voted in and can toss a legislative net over the inept Joe Biden and his Marxist cohorts this mess will get worse. For example, as economist, educator, investor, author and columnist, Joel Ross, said: “Biden’s speech on oil yesterday (Wednesday, Oct. 19) may have been the most stunningly ignorant set of misinformation and lies of any president in my lifetime.” It was just one of the many nonsensical, ignorant and tone-deaf examples of this presidential nitwit’s ineptitude and obliviousness about what’s happening around him. It’s frightening.

Biden, who boasts that he has more positive accomplishments than any other president two years in, fails to mention that his number one achievement is a decline in the living standards for Americans.

Locally if you are unhappy with higher taxes, out-of-control city management, unexplained and inequitable building, permitting and inspection fees rising taxes, and are angry with the financial mess and suspicious money laundering dealings the current city manager and his confused cabal of losers have created, you can fix it Tuesday, November 8.

For Fernandina Beach Commission Seat 4 I’m voting for Dr. James Antun who is running against current Mayor and pompous blowhard and  California transplant, Mike “Left Coast” Lednovich.  Chiropractor Dr. Antun has clearly explained how he would approach a variety of issues facing the city with public-private partnerships and called for an audit of the controversial building/permitting fee processes. Meanwhile Lednovich blathers on senselessly about “customer service” and suggested a survey, apparently forgetting the Chamber of Commerce survey that had folks loudly protesting in front of city hall, waving signs, and telling the city and Lednovich that their current policies stink.

Mayor “Left Coast” Lednovich

Lednovich is a spittle-spewing, anti-property rights activist bragging that he has opposed every residential development project since Jean Ribault arrived here in 1562. Dr. Antun offers well thought out, reasoned and deliberate proposals, an indication of the representation he will offer as a Commissioner. We’d be lucky to have him to give the city a much-needed adjustment and give “Left Coast” the boot.

In case readers missed it previously I’m again posting a photo here of Commissioner and current Mayor “Left Coast” Lednovich proudly displaying his support for the dangerous, violent, and fraudulent Black Lives Matter organization as he parades through downtown Fernandina Beach. He is also wearing a Fernandina Beach Police Department cap despite not being a cop, and sporting a red clown nose, but that’s self-evident.

My vote for the City Commission Seat 5 being vacated by term-limited Len Kreger will go to local Fire Fighter Darron Ayscue, a lifelong resident of Nassau County who will look out for the best interests of all city residents, not just specific minority groups. He’s a fiscal conservative who will bring common sense, dignity and reason to the Commission and nicely compliment Dr. Antun. A coalition of Commissioners Bradley Bean (who gets my vote for mayor), David Sturges, and Dr. Antun and Ayscue would bring an end to the devious fiscal antics of spendthrifts Chip Ross and City Manager Dale Martin.

I’m expressing my sentiments in Washington by voting for Marco Rubio for U.S. Senator and Aaron Bean for Congress. I’m voting to keep Governor Ron DeSantis in Tallahassee along with Attorney General Ashley Moody, Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, and Commissioner of Agriculture Wilton Simpson. I’m voting for Clay Yarbrough for state senator and Dean Black for state representative. Shannon Hogue and Curtis Gaus have my vote locally for school Board Districts 1 and 2 respectively.


Investigate The City’s Shenanigans Say Citizens: The results of the most recent poll posted here show that 94 percent, or 158 of the of the 168 respondents say they want the state to investigate Fernandina Beach’s capacity/impact fees and permitting fees to ensure they are in compliance with state law. Only 5 percent, or 9 folks said an investigation wasn’t needed. One respondent didn’t know. Remember, during the last City Commission race Commissioner Sturges won by just 38 votes, so candidates should pay attention to what the 158 folks who voted to investigate the city are saying.

The new poll asks readers if they would feel comfortable purchasing an electric vehicle.

  • Comment (16)
  • I love your commentary most of the time Dave, BUT, give a little slack to the Revolution in Transportation that is in progress.
    In 1914, when automobiles were just coming on the scene to replace horses they had many short comings. The roads were horrible, no electric starters, constantly breaking down, scaring horses into panic runs, poor roads, no gasoline stations, etc..
    Over the next 15 years, this slowly changed and so will the EV Revolution. It is not about GREENie’s it’s about progress to a more efficient, less costly form of transportation that would never have happened if this crazy South African guy hadn’t started making EV’s back in 2005.
    Batteries will be come safer (new solid state batteries are coming in 3-5 years. EV charging stations will be ubiquitous as needed. Vehicle prices will drop to the same level as cars today. Patience and progress will allow this to happen. Mainly you will charge your car at home, energy usage will fall to the equivalent of 80 mpg. Many good things will come out of the Revolution. Please research the issue more closely.

    • The government did not force horse owners to buy a Model T. The government now is trying for force owners of combustion engines (not just cars, but lawnmowers, blowers, etc.) to give those up and buy an EV or electric tool, etc. Some states have already announced dates that this must happen by. You must be 1 of the 2 that are comfortable owning an EV out of 42 that have responded. I am not the second one. I drive 400 miles one way to North Georgia once a month and I’m not going to spend a lunch hour charging my car., if I can find a charging station. When the technology has evolved, then I will consider an EV, but I don’t need the government to force it on me.

  • Seriously, how does one author a law banning cigarette smoking on the beach….and BRAG about that? While I don’t smoke, it’s a fool’s idea to ban it on a beach! Who is gonna enforce that? If the problem is a trashy beach, make THAT the target. Smokers are clearly able to carry butts off the beach. What about popsicle sticks? Those get tossed, too, but you don’t see a law specifically targeting popsicle sticks? Can’t drive on the beach, no dogs on the beach free-run, no smoking. This kind of progress will only require full-time police officers to protect us from such behavior, but after all, that seems to be the ultimate prize for a socialist….the police state.

  • I don’t think Dave needs to do any further research. I don’t believe his stance is anti EV. His opinion like mine is that we are being forced into the EV era while being rooted in the traditional gas powered mode. If things were left alone then EV’s would slowly evolve as the power grid and charging stations were built and we could gradually transition from one preferred energy to the next. Your horse and cart analogy is great but I don’t think anyone said that the horses had to be euthanized by a particular date!

  • Dave, great commentary once again! I agree with everyone you’re voting for, except School Board Member District 3. I’m voting for Albert Wagner, and I’d like your readers to consider voting for him!

    Albert was a previous teacher and principal. He is
    issues oriented and will seek to follow ‘best practices’ from other top
    schools around the country. He is science and math oriented, has integrity
    and is a good listener. He comes highly recommended.

  • You forgot to mention that last year when 95 up north was stopped because of snow the EV’s ran out of power, mainly because they don’t like the cold, and their owners had to abandon them on the road. Tow trucks and plows had a wonderful time cleaning that mess up! Like you said, you can’t carry a generator in your trunk…..

  • Comments regarding the EV’s, 1) Tesla recommends only charging their vehicles to 80% rather than 100% reason being it will extend the life expectancy of the battery pack and 2) due to the battery packs all EV’s will be almost as heavy as an SUV. So, tire wear will be much greater than a similar size gas vehicle along with the fact torque is greater meaning the driver will enjoy quicker acceleration! Something we called “jack rabbit starts”, but of course with little or no sound all you’ll hear is a “chirp”…and there goes some tire tread!!

    Oh, and just FYI, for those planning to purchase an EV pickup or vehicle to tow their boat or travel trailer, currently most charging stations are only designed to accept vehicles! in order to charge your tow vehicle will require you to disconnect from what you’re towing to charge your vehicle!

  • This man Lednovich is part of the “now that I’m here lock the doors” activist crowd who disguise recividism as progress—enough. New thoughtful leadership is needed who can balance progress with preservation. Out with this activist.

  • I am voting against the 1 mil school tax increase for two reasons. The first is the boards past spending recklessness, i.e. their land purchase, and the lack transparency surrounding it. The second reason is the boars statement that there are no potential fund transfers from low priority budget lines to salaries. That means they are not looking. What are your thoughts?

  • There is a Federal law called the Corporate Average Fuel Economy Act, sometimes called CAFE Act. It is a relic from the Nixon/Carter era and a result of the fuel lines that happened twice in the 70s. The economy standards were tightened during the Obama era. That is the lever used to force us into EVs. The CAFE act is forcing the manufactures to produce lighter and more complicated cars. Lighter means less safe, and more complicated means less reliable. All else being equal, a lighter car is less safe, so the CAFE act is killing us, and more complicated cars are more expensive to repair, so the fuel savings and more are spent on repairing the car.

    So Bradley Bean, and Marco Rubio, if you are listening, the CAFE Act has to go, no trimming along the edges, outright repeal. That will have to wait until 2025 I know.

  • The EV “solution” is teeming with issues as pointed out. Not all EVs are created equal nor are all charging requirements. In fact, there is no common standard of the vehicle connector charging plug used by the different manufacturers. Here is a great article in Forbes explaining the different levels of chargers and charging time requirements. The standard connector that comes with vehicles is a Level 1 running off a regular household outlet that can take 10 – 20 hours to fully charge. A Level 2 charger will require installation by a licensed electrician and an older home may not sufficient capacity to support. A Level 3 charger is what will be used in commercial or for pay charging stations.
    The economics are just not there.


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