I’ve read that women protestors who marched this past January may be planning another such event soon.
The last time the powder-puff fascist organizers encouraged its escadrille of sign-wielding, gong-clanging gals to descend on the public square their followers seemed confused as to why they were there. We witnessed march organizers wearing silly obscene hats, shouting the Vagina Monologues from feminist pulpits, and encouraging their snake-charmed gaggle of gals to attack whatever.
There appeared to be no single purpose other than “We hate Trump” rhetoric, and to listen to Hollywood, political, and university liberals shout at the crowd with a scatological scattergun to vigorously protest, even though it was never defined exactly what they wanted them to oppose other than the newly sworn in President. It was primal screaming group therapy for the demented, all berserk with rage, contrived hysteria and actual paranoia.

Instead of accepting the presidential election results with dignity, these protestors swarmed the streets bemoaning the fact that their 21st Century Bonnie & Clyde — Bill and Hillary — wouldn’t be reoccupying the White House. They can’t stand Trump so they smashed cars, broke store windows, lit fires and yelled obscenities, all because Hillary Clinton, a corrupt Washington fixture with a severe lying habit who lacks basic human emotions, didn’t win.
Signs carried by the gals marching encouraged onlookers to: “Respect my rights”, “Stay outraged” and proclaimed “I will not go quietly back to the 1950s.” They made it clear they were outraged but were short on details as to why other than coerced time travel.
During the last march in D.C. three of America’s most brilliant political scientists provided commentary with Madonna saying she’d like to blow up the White House, Ashley Judd comparing Trump to Hitler, Lena Dunham sniveling that the election was “painful on a cellular level” and making an empty promise to move to Vancouver.
Does it bother them that they are not trusted and actually mocked nationally by a majority of what are called the “Man in the Street?”
In Fernandina Beach the police estimated that some 700-800 gals, a sprinkling of guys, and lots of kids and dogs participated. They gave the appearance of a group joining together for the sole purpose of trying to be outraged, but again, not exactly sure why they were supposed to be outraged. Maybe it’s difficult to express proper outrage when its sunny and a balmy 80 degrees in late January. “Hey, look over there, is that the Farmer’s Market? Are those people playing petanque? Did anybody bring beer?”
Locally a woman clutched a sign asking folks to “Include the Excluded” without being specific, apparently offering observers an opportunity to select their own outcasts…lepers, Luddites, Lilliputians, or maybe the pro life gals, who actually WERE excluded. A young woman used her bare chest to scrawl an illegible message, punctuated only by two strategically placed pasties. I was as confused as the marchers as to what this feminine Hokey Pokey was all about.
Instead of conducting another of the left’s pointless and shrill “Protest on Demand” events these gals could actually do some good. They represent a potentially powerful force to be reckoned with, but lack a shared purpose. They need direction for their communal indignation, something they can sink their feminine fangs into and give observers a reason to hop on their bandwagon of outrage.
I’ve said it before but it needs repeating, that an honorable and womanly cause that’ll bring all these gals together under a common banner with outrage for all would be opposition to single motherhood.
I don’t mean mothers raising children on their own because of circumstances beyond their control such as well-justified divorces (abuse, abandonment, infidelity, addiction) being widowed, having a spouse incarcerated, etc. I was raised by a widowed mother from the age of six and have first-hand knowledge of the difficulties these women face.
I mean women who are being praised and celebrated because they are willingly and purposely bearing illegitimate children and being urged to do so.
Single motherhood is epidemic and those that encourage, promote and glamorize it are bat poop crazy wrong.
Hollywood and the media gush on about the merits of being a single mother and celebrate unwed mothers such as Halle Berry, Nicole Richie, Jessica Alba, Susan Sarandon and many more. An American Idol winner’s album featured a song called “Baby Mama” celebrating teenage single motherhood. Movies and television shows glorify single moms.
While liberal government policies pay single women to have children out of wedlock, pop culture cheerleaders glamorize these unwed mothers and society suffers, but none more than the children of these unmarried women.
A stunning study this year by the Urban Institute and the Brookings Institution found that 86 percent of millennials who got married and THEN had children have family incomes in the middle or top third of incomes. Forty-seven percent who did not follow this sequence are in the bottom third.
For example a single women in her early twenties featured in the Florida Times-Union during its annual Christmas fund raiser series last December, explained that she was in need of urgent financial help because she has four children. It was also revealed in that story that each child had a different last name and there was no husband in the house.
Being born to a single mother is like winning a prison lottery.
Studies say that the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he or she was raised by a single mother. Some 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers; 72 percent of juvenile murders and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Some 70 percent of teen births, dropouts, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murders involve children raised by single mothers. And 80 percent of ALL prison inmates come from single-parent homes.
Single motherhood may be the single most important and unreported social problem in America, eclipsing crime, drugs, poverty, education, homelessness and welfare because it drives all of those ills. And it’s going to get worse. According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2005 — just 12 years ago — more than one-third of all babies born in the U.S were illegitimate. Single mothers account for 85 percent of homeless families and 90 percent of all welfare recipients. Can anyone dispute these figures?
So, ladies here’s something that you can justifiably be outraged about. Talk to your sisters and do society and yourselves a favor and direct your next march at helping discourage single motherhood. It’s bad for the mother, children and society.
Things I Wish I Had Said: “I want my children to have all the things I couldn’t afford. Then I want to move in with them.”– Phyllis Diller

Maybe They Stayed Out In The Sun Too Long: Florida has a bad habit of sending people to the U.S. Congress that are an embarrassment to the state and its residents. Examples include the recently convicted former Jacksonville Congresswoman Corrine Brown (4th District); the very confused and unhinged Debbie Wasserman Schultz (23rd District); certifiable loony former representative Alan Grayson (9th District); disgraced former judge Alcee Hastings (20th District) and most recently Maxine Waters impersonator Fredericka Wilson (24th District). All Democrats and all without any accomplishments whatsoever. It’s hard to pick which one is the most offensive but Wilson’s recent antics put her in the running for the nuttiest whack job among this motley quintet. The loopy Congresswoman who dresses like a circus clown complete with rhinestone cowboy hats and oversized lapel flowers, tosses out the term racist at the drop of a Stetson, recently using that term to describe White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, a retired four star Marine Corps general. Kelly, called out Wilson for her repulsive comments about President Trump’s phone call to a Gold Star widow whose U.S. Army husband was killed in a firefight in Niger, saying Wilson was an “empty barrel.” Wilson says that was a racist comment. This cowboy-hat-wearing-nut-job, who has never been closer to a cow than a carton of milk, probably thinks Wonder Bread is racist. Wilson’s actions were despicable, as was the media’s accepting of her word as gospel. Basic human decency was trashed when the president’s response was portrayed as “an attack on a Gold Star family” and not what it was – a refutation of a partisan attack by an publicity-seeking activist Democrat loon from Florida. This dim bulb congresswoman needs around-the-clock mental observation and should never be allowed out in public unattended. Who votes for these lunatics? Florida residents are not red from the sun, but from embarrassment.
No Standing Room Crowds Due To Kneeling Players: Colin Kaepernick has filed a grievance against the National Football League because no team has offered him a job. Kaepernick, who was released by the San Francisco 49ers last season is a mediocre player who started the kneeling for the national anthem controversy by refusing to stand, because he said he was protesting police brutality of black people.
The truth is that he’d be toxic in the locker room of any team that would be dim enough to pay him. He’s also not very good. So, if Kaepernick can file a grievance why didn’t University of Florida Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow, who also kneeled while he was in the NFL — albeit in prayer, not during the anthem — also file one, since he didn’t get picked up by another team either? Maybe because Tebow is a class act and Kaepernick is a publicity-seeking, no-talent twit.
The kneeling pampered players have an incredibly inflated view of themselves, thinking because they work on a large stage, that their opinion matters. The NFL says it understands the importance of its “image” so it has rules that specify the clothes and insignia players wear, the language they use, and their “antics” after a touchdown or other play. But somehow the players and the owners don’t care that they disgrace our nation and its 320 million people in the eyes of the world by publicly disrespecting the USA, its flag, and its anthem. And the worst example was the Jaguars in London, kneeling for the American anthem, and then standing for the British one. Appalling! I’ll never attend one of their games or watch on TV.
The fans aren’t happy about the loopy players’ stand on kneeling and are expressing their discontent by staying home and turning off the TV games.
The San Francisco 49ers are struggling to get fans into their stadium on game day with photos of empty seats for their game against the L.A. Rams Thursday night showing up all over the Internet. Their L. A. opponent last Thursday also started the season with nearly empty stands.
Playing at the Los Angeles Coliseum, the Rams opened in front of just 25,000 people in a stadium that can hold almost four times that. And Los Angeles’ newest team in town, the Chargers, have seen visibly poor attendance despite playing their season in a converted soccer stadium that can hold only 27,000 people.
Last weekend, both Los Angeles teams hosted NFL games, and their ticket sales combined didn’t reach the number that USC and Texas drew to the Coliseum on Saturday night.
The same happened in Indianapolis which played the Jaguars; in Cleveland; Chicago and in Miami with the New York Jets and the Dolphins, which came into their game with records of .500 or over. Both teams are also in the same division, making it a rivalry game as well. Yet, the vast emptiness of the stadium was unmistakable. Other teams also suffered due to their insufferable dim players.
The teams are saying that paid attendance is good. What they aren’t saying is that those who bought tickets aren’t showing up. Unless this is resolved soon folks that bought season tickets this year won’t be renewing next year, and attendance will continue on a downward spiral along with TV ratings.
The players and team owners have no idea how much they have debased their brand and how their continued stupidity defies the laws of capitalism…nobody pays to see their country abused, except liberals and they don’t attend anyway because they don’t like football.
With the World Series in full swing football’s wilting fan base is a boon for baseball as the Houston Astros battle the Los Angeles Dodgers for the 2017 title. Going into tonight’s (Friday, October 27) game the series is tied at 1-1 and both games so far have been thrillers. Last year the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago Cubs put on a seven game series that got even the attention of fans that don’t normally give a hoot about baseball, including my wife, Linda, who watched the entire game seven Cubs’ victory with me, as did more than 40 million others, the largest number to watch a series game in 25 years. Houston native Linda is equally enthralled with her hometown Astros. It is also the first time 47 years (Baltimore-Cincinnati) that two teams that won 100 games or more (Astros 101, Dodgers 104) have met in a World Series.
It’s fun watching this series and just as much fun watching befuddled, dim and timid NFL owners and their bumbling commissioner, Roger Goodell, make excuses for their coddled, dim millionaire players as fewer and fewer fans want to watch their disrespectful antics.

Drinking, Dining & Dancing: Island Bar-B-Q’s Pit Master Rodney Stubbs, who smokes one of the best briskets this side of the Mississippi River has added fried chicken to the 1925 South 14th Street eatery’s menu with two pieces of white meat, two sides, and a drink priced at a very reasonable $8.95. Order dark meat and it’s only $7.95. The barbeque joint’s new hours are 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday, closed Sunday. Call ’em at 904/624-7811. The landmark downtown Centre Street Amelia Island Coffee Shop isn’t just for coffee anymore. Nope. New owner Gene Goldenberg is now serving up beer and wine, a charcuterie board consisting of mozzarella, feta, bruschetta, prosciutto, pepperoni, cherry jam, grain mustard, olives, grapes, crackers, and toasted baguettes. He also offers Buffalo wings with celery and ranch dressing, chips and salsa and hummus and pita bread. Oh, you can still get a very good cup of coffee here without the expense and silliness of a Starbeds mattress and coffee shop. Three of the Amelia Island Hospitality Group’s locations will be celebrating Halloween beginning tonight (Friday, October 27) with the off-island Emerald Goat’s Halloween Costume Party starting at 9 p.m. There will be 2-4-1 cocktails for folks in costume all night as well as a costume contest at midnight for cash and prizes! Hammerween begins at 9 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 28th at the Sadler & South Fletcher Hammerhead Beach Bar. A Costume Contest where customers can also win cash and prizes starts at midnight. Downtown’s Palace Saloon is having a Uncle Charlie’s Halloween Ball Tuesday, Oct. 31st with Complimentary Tito’s Cocktails from 9-11 p.m. for anyone in costume as well as a costume contest at midnight with a chance to win cash and prizes. Looking for job in the hospitality industry? Then check out Barberitos Southwestern Grill & Cantina in the Publix shopping mall at 1519 Sadler Road. They’re looking for full-time cashiers, prep cooks, shift leaders, and grill cooks for morning, evening and weekend shifts. Apply in person or at their website Barberitos Southwestern Grille & Cantina (1519 Sadler Rd, Fernandina Beach, FL
Gee, Dave. All those wimmin who marched without a purpose last year could take to the streets now and publicly out the men who’ve sexually harassed or otherwise abused them. It’s a sure bet the streets would be packed, and there’d be no ambiguity at all about the message.
The Jags standing for the “God save the Queen” and not our anthem shows how moronic these (as Dave says) twits are. Seeing the Brits are the ones who introduced slavery to the western world and all. Shows it is more about attention grabbing vs a true purpose.
I’s like to publicly thank you David Scott. After reading your blog, it appears this year’s women’s march will take place in your front yard this year….
I saw a movie called “Grumpy Old Men” the other day. This blog is getting pretty grumpy.
I don’t agree with everything Dave says (I love soccer) but the issue of single motherhood and proud of it, is part or our national moral decay. But, since it offends those who write and produce news, they don’t want to talk about it. We live in a sad world where the liberal left control the minds of so many. Thanks for making the point Dave. It is a root cause of many of the modern evils.
Dave, love some of the images; “never been closer to a cow than a carton of milk”. I had struggled with Frederica but the “Maxine Waters impersonator” rang the bell for me. Then. “probably thinks Wonder Bread is racist” was brilliant.
Data is compelling on problems with single motherhood. Remember the backlash when there was criticism of Murphy Brown?
I always come away from your blog wondering “what does Dave really think?” Some great writing there.
Dave, next time I see you, I’ll buy you a beer and explain to you how babies are made.
Dave, this is one of your best yet! It is destined for the Dave Scott Hall of Fame!
Excellent, Dave! Good comparison to Tebow. Don’t think Florida is alone with whack jobs in political offices. Georgia still has John Lewis . And we once had that fruit of the loom in Cynthia McKinney. At least that nightmare has past.
Hey Dave! Maybe you’re on to something. For instance. Our POTUS has children with 3 different women. I’m guessing that he, and possibly some of them ,will be in prison. Thus, proving your point.
Thanks for reminding us of the double standards of women are often left to raise the children that others were not willing to and the men that are not usually held accountable.
Dave, let’s make sure we structure our hyperbolic smears correctly. If you want to paint someone on the left as extreme, you call them communist, not fascist, because communism is at the far end of the left half of the ideological spectrum and was reviled by fascists. Or use socialist if you’re feeling somewhat milder on a sunny day. Reserve exaggerated smears of fascism for those on your and Trump’s half of the spectrum, at the far end of which lies fascism. Or, no need to exaggerate if you pick actual accurate examples such as the authoritarian white nationalist groups who support him and voted for him and marched in the night in Charlottesville carrying torches and chanting against the Jews (plus a bonus murder), and who proudly display the actual Roman fasces symbol on their black marchin’ shields that inspired the very word fascism (some of whom were apparently the “very fine people” Trump referred to), all of which I’m sure will sound familiar to you based on your memory and study of history.
Dear reader: Possibly you need a refresher course on the meaning of socialism and fascism. Contrary to what you think, the Nazis were ardent socialists (hence the term “National Socialism”). They believed in free health care and guaranteed jobs. They confiscated inherited wealth and spent vast sums on public education. They purged the church from public policy, and inserted the authority of the state into all portions of daily life. The Nazis declared war on smoking, supported abortion, euthanasia, and gun control. They hated the free market, provided generous pensions for the elderly and maintained a strict racial system for their universities, where campus speech codes were popular and encouraged. The Nazis led the world in organic farming and alternative medicine, Hitler was a vegetarian and Himmler and animal rights activist. Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” (the subject of Hillary Clinton’s thesis) reads like it could have been written by Joseph Goebbels. Oh, it was also dedicated to Lucifer. Folks here in America are “friendlier fascists” but groups like Black Lives Matter and the New Black Panthers, George Soros, etc. are making many Americans nervous. Read Jonah Goldberg’s “Liberal Fascism” and enlighten yourself on your own progressivism and that of the Democratic Party. Thanks for commenting and giving me an opportunity to enlighten you and other readers on who the real fascists are.
Dave, I’ve got to hand it to you, You’ve been able to make Nation Socialism (Nazis) Sound like a Socialistic State such as Sweden, Norway, or Canada. Your eloquent piece of propaganda, extolling the virtues of Nationalism in the 30’s and 40’s. makes it sound totally acceptable as a Governing body. If my memory serves me correctly, you served in Germany in the early late 50’s or early 60’s You saw what the Nazis, take on Socialism (alt-right) gave to their population. It has absolutely nothing to do with American Progressiveness, and everything to do with the Nazi Alt-right. in America. It was interesting to note all the positive programs your Nazi brothers, instituted in Germany. Alternative medicine Dr Josef Mangele worked tirelessly on alternative medicine for the German People. Euthanasia, again you’re right, they helped many millions with their “Final Solution” and Himmler the chicken farmer.? an animal activist, give me a friggin’ brake. He wasn’t too big on Human Rights, But hey Dave, nobodies perfect. He did like this German security dog. Friendlier Fascist.? would they be the “fine people” that #45 pointed out were at Charlettsville last month. I personally loved their Brown Shirts with the reconfigured swastikas. and don’t forget the Torches, Clubs, Knives and Guns. Kinda reminded me of “Kristallnacht” They showed up in Shelbyville and Murphysboro this weekend. Got a nice reception from the locals. Hold on Dave, You’re Kindred, Despicable in the White House is going down.
Hold on here. Read my comments again. The Nazis were evil, vile and worse. My remarks were intended to show that what progressives are calling fascists are not on the right, but the left, which advocates policies and principals similar to those of Hitler’s socialism and Mussolini’s fascism. In Germany fascism appeared as a genocidal racist nationalism. The left in America took it to a friendlier more liberal direction. The liberal friendly fascists in the US include The Democratic Party, the New York Times, Hollywood, Ivy League professors, etc. The new fascists aren’t goose stepping storm troopers but a grade school teacher with a degree from Brown or Columbia. There is no word in this country that gets kicked around more freely by those who don’t know what it means than “fascism.” Liberals see it everywhere except when they look in a mirror. George Orwell in his essay “Politics and the English Language” said: “The word fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies something not desirable.” Yet liberals toss the word around at the drop of a hat when the inconvenient truth is that the term actually is not a phenomenon of the right, but of the left.
You are obnoxious.
Dave, isn’t is amazing that angry purple-haired women dressed as a vaginas, are here to lecture us on human dignity?