What Amelia Island’s loud, tiny, fist-shaking activist groups lack in rational reasoning and organizational skills they make up for in entertainment.
Members of the recently formed Conserve Amelia Now (CAN) and something called Lights for Liberty have two characteristics in common: 1- they are aflame with paranoia and demented rage and; 2- they are funny, albeit, not intentionally.
Both of these local grievance mongering groups are currently clumsily attempting to convince others to accept their programs of radicalized fury, dishonesty and hysteria.
Let’s start with CAN, which this past Wednesday had its legal and financial can kicked by Administrative Law Judge E. Gary Early.
Adam Kaufman, a legal analyst for the online newspaper Fernandina Observer, reported yesterday that Judge Early ruled that CAN can NOT be a party to a lawsuit designed to halt construction of the planned Amelia Bluff residential development on Fernandina Beach’s Citrona Drive.

In addition, Judge Early ruled that CAN spokesperson Robert “Bullet Bob” Weintraub can’t testify at the hearing which begins next Monday at 9 a.m. at Fernandina Beach City Hall. That’s a huge disappointment for folks who were planning to grab a bag of popcorn and settle back for a boat load of laughs. (Once again, my standard disclaimer here: Weintraub is my former next-door neighbor and pompous left-wing gasbag who on Facebook, November 11, 2016, publicly called me anti-Semitic and threatened to shoot me and my wife because we placed a Trump sign in our yard following the election).
According to Mr. Kaufman’s article, Judge Early ruled that CAN was not a legal entity at the time the Fernandina Beach City Commission adopted the ordinance with regard to construction at Amelia Bluff and as such is not an “affected person” with standing, as defined by Florida statute.
The judge also limited testimony of local high school indoctrinator and News Leader newspaper columnist Ron “Get Off My Lawn You Little Bastards” Sapp and some guy named Frank J. Santry III, who were scheduled as witnesses on behalf of the parties challenging the development at Amelia Bluff.
Weintraub was supposed to provide testimony related solely to the standing of CAN and its members. The judge said that given the dismissal of CAN Weintraub’s testimony “is not relevant and will not be allowed.” Well, let’s be honest here judge, anything that Weintraub ever says is not relevant and shouldn’t be allowed in public. The man is completely unhinged. The judge just prevented this pathetic man from publicly embarrassing himself again.
But CAN has bigger problems than having a crazed spokesman who is not allowed to speak as a spokesman. They are sitting on more than $20,000 raised through “Go Fund Me” to hire a lawyer to file suit in a legal action in which they’ve been told by a judge they can’t sue to do. So, what’ll they do with their legal fund cash stash, some of which was donated by equally muddled City Commissioner Mike Lednovich, a man who was elected to serve and protect the city’s taxpayers, not sue them? Seems to me they should hand it back to the folks they convinced to cough it up. Is there any legal liability here? Geez Louise, talk about the gang that couldn’t shoot straight!
The folks that hastily organized this confused gaggle of nitwits apparently didn’t think things through too thoroughly. Maybe they could spend some of their Go Fund Me cash on a course in productivity and organizational skills. However, this time it’s their money being flushed and wasted not the taxpayers. That makes this all the more entertaining.
A press release issued earlier this week announced that this evening, Friday, July 12, a group of “local activists” representing something called Lights for Liberty “will gather to voice opposition to the detention of children and the separation of families at our borders.” It went on to add that in Fernandina Beach “we will be gathering at City Hall at 7:45pm, at 8pm we will walk over to the Fernandina Beach City Marina where there will be a short program. At 9pm we will join events around the country in lighting candles and observing a moment of silence.”
I’ll be at PJD’s Beer & Wine Garden for happy hour so I’m afraid I’ll miss this Miss Grundy lecture intended to rile up oblivious liberals and intimidate conservatives by implying they are racist and inhumane. But, I did read the advance claptrap from these social justice warriors about their misguided event. It appears it was taken directly from Democrat Party talking points — ill-informed, ignorant, angry and totally false, nothing worth repeating. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would be proud.
Want to stump them? Then ask them why they favor open borders and what they foresee from such a policy. More than likely they’ll spout off some nutty thought they’ve heard from some other like-minded progressive or shriek in blind rage senseless accusations like “racism” or “fascism.”
I recall the same crowd protesting Obama’s equal treatment of illegals crossing our border. Oh, wait, maybe I don’t. And don’t hold your breath waiting for this group of fist-shaking sign-wavers to complain about the US Congressional House Democrat majority’s refusal to do anything to help their alleged border situation, since they earlier voted down funding for more beds and better facilities. Go figure!
The folks organizing this ridiculous local gaggle are the same ones that shriek with outrage over plastic straws and scream for open borders but remain silent about the dismemberment of fetuses at birth, condone infanticide and denounce those charged with enforcing our laws. The only thing this nitwittery will accomplish here is to prove to astonished onlookers that a handful of local citizens are as dim, irrational, dishonest and hysterical as the infantile mob running for the Democrat Party’s presidential nomination.
If you want to see a gathering of a few morally and intellectually bankrupt local losers then head to City Hall about 7:45 p.m. this evening. If they weren’t so sad and pathetic they’d be as hilarious as the CAN clowns.
Try This Instead: Instead of wasting time listening to a few local blowhards screech in blind rage and make senseless accusations why not take advantage of the many programs conducted at the Amelia Island Museum of History where you’ll actually learn something? For example, next Friday, July 19 at 3 p.m., the museum will conduct one of its superb lectures featuring locals Frank Ofeldt and Dave Roeser, as they explore how the American War for Independence affected Amelia Island and Nassau County. This program is free for museum members with a suggested donation of $5 for non-members. Seating is first come, first served and is wheelchair accessible. For more information contact Joshua Whitfield at 904-261-7378 x.102 or Joshua@AmeliaMuseum.org. I’ve attended a number of these sessions and they are as entertaining as they are educational.
An Idea That Has Run Out Of Gas: It appears that Jacksonville developer Steve Leggett’s idea to build a $200 million car-centric resort on the city-owned Amelia River Golf Course property has sputtered to a halt. At least four of the five Fernandina Beach City Commissioners have voiced their opposition to the project, signaling a death knell to the plan. Based on the public outcry against it, a female mud wrestling venue would be better received. However, Mr. Leggett says he’s not giving up and will come back with another option and has asked the city to remove the item from its July 16 agenda. Commissioner Mike “Left Coast” Lednovich, wants Leggett to just go away forever, saying in a spittle-flecked rant to the News Leader that he can’t envision any changes to Leggett’s plan that he would approve. Somebody needs to toss a bucket of cold water on this crazed California transplant and commissioner who has lived here less than two years.

Queen of the Rodeo Clowns: I can think of no one person that better defines the meaning of the phrase “mad as a hatter” than Florida’s 24th District Democrat Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, a woman more notorious for what’s on her head than what’s in it.
This absurd rodeo clownet rhinestone cowgirl, who wears a variety of silly attention-drawing plastic cowboy hats, wants to make comments like the ones I’m writing here a crime, saying people should be prosecuted for making fun of members of Congress online.
What’s going on in south Florida that the people there elect loons like Wilson; impeached and disgraced federal judge Alcee Hastings (D-20th District); and befuddled Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-23rd District) to Congress? Are the voters down there suffering from severe sunstroke?
All three of these districts adjoin each other so it’s hard to escape their nonsense. The voters there are obviously getting the garbage they voted for.
Michael James, a writer for The American Thinker, says since Wilson doesn’t want writers making fun of her, he opted to question the mental state of voters in her district that keep electing her and ensuring he didn’t offend her, by satirically writing in a recent article the following:
“I am not allowed to criticize your elected representative, so I will speak to you, the voters of Florida’s 24th congressional district.
First I need statistics from Wilson’s district. Population: 693,086. Race: 37.7% White, 56.2% Black, 1.9% Asian. And then there is the big one: unemployment: 16%.
Hey, voters of the 24th Florida district, do you know what the national unemployment rate is for the rest of the nation?
What kind of morons are you?
You persist in sending this highly qualified and results-oriented woman to speak for you and work on your behalf in the Congress while your unemployment numbers are four times the national average.
How stupid are you?
Don’t you want jobs? Don’t you want to move up the economic ladder?
Why do you persist in dragging the whole country down to your lower than low statistical level? Have you no pride, no shame, no sense of duty to the

rest of the country?
If not for you, the national unemployment rate might stand at 3.4 percent. But no, you have to elect this highly intelligent and diligent woman to represent your best interests.
And she is great — who could argue with an unemployment rate of 16% in a nation that averages 3.6%? I might, but I’m not allowed to.
Voters of Florida’s 24th district, please do not criticize the single rasher of bacon your highly competent member of congress brings home to improve your well-being and living conditions; it may soon be against the law.
It is apparent that you don’t believe you deserve better than the brilliant and well-spoken Frederica Wilson.
But maybe the rest of us do.”
If the rest of the country wants to resemble Florida’s 24th District then all it has to do is vote for the Democrat’s presidential candidate.
“Here’s Your Latte, Now Get Out!” A group of Tempe, Arizona police officers were forced to take their coffee to go at Starbucks in East Valley, Arizona recently where officers say an employee asked them to leave the store on July 4th.
Tempe TV station FOX 10’s Justin Lum spoke with the President of the Tempe Officers Association (TOA), who told him a customer told a Starbucks employee they felt unsafe because of the number of officers in the store. (Maybe that customer had an outstanding warrant for his arrest).
According to TOA officials, a group of five Tempe officers had just bought their drinks and stood near the front of the Starbucks, and that’s when a barista made the request for the customer, and so, they left. FOX 10 said it learned that two of the officers, who are veterans, are offended and frustrated by what happened. On Friday, the association took to social media, and posted the “Dump Starbucks” photo, posted here.
I don’t frequent Starbucks and see no reason to ever do so. I have no idea what’s included in its marketing plan but can only assume it needs some fine tuning, unless its marketing department has targeted the lunatic left demographic.
Drinking, Dining & Dancing: I was disappointed to hear that Tony’s New York Style Brick Oven Pizza & Restaurant in the Sadler Road strip mall next to Publix has closed after almost 15 years. I’ve heard several rumors about why they’re no longer in business but none of them matter. As far as I’m concerned there’s only one really good thin crust pizza joint on the island now, and that’s the Sandbar & Kitchen, at Main Beach, an unlikely pizza place. Speaking of the Sandbar, this coming Tuesday, July 16, it will celebrate its second anniversary with all-day two-dollar 16-ounce draft beers, a variety of two buck appetizers, and entertainment featuring the popular Honey Badgers from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Call ‘em at 904/310-3648. I’ve heard that the long-vacant Beef O’Brady’s site around the corner from Publix will be occupied by an unidentified pizzeria but don’t have a time frame. Island BBQ, at 1925 South 14th Street, across from the old Beef O’Brady’s site has added a 24-item lunch buffet for just $12 that includes a drink. All reports tell me it’s as good a deal as can be found hereabouts and lunch business is booming. Island BBQ is obviously known for its BBQ but I love their fried chicken livers and gizzards and a local restaurateur told me that their Philly cheese steak is one of the best he’s ever eaten. Call ‘em at 904/624-7811. The Green Turtle will be hosting the annual “Joy to the Children” Christmas fundraising event Sunday, July 14 from 4-7 p.m. with Hupp & The Yacht Rockers providing entertainment. There will also be a silent auction. The News Leader’s Best of the Best? Really? Some of the local business folks who were presented their “Best of the Best” plaques by the News Leader tell me that they were told by those presenting them their plaque that the “Best” restaurant award went to – brace yourself – CHILI’S in Yulee! WHAT? They told me that the pathetic newspaper’s readers voted Chili’s as the best area restaurant. If this was really an accurate reader poll then the News Leader’s readers are as oblivious as the folks that produce that sad paper. Or is it that Chili’s spends more on News Leader advertising then the others do? Are they telling us that in a landscape peppered with a variety of exceptional local eateries such as Joe’s 2nd Street
Bistro, España, David’s, Salt, Baxters, Bar Zin, Lagnaippe, Pogo’s, Bob’s Steak House, The Veranda, Le Clos, Down Under, Burlingame’s, Sandbar & Kitchen, 29 South, Sliders, Aloha Bagel & Deli, the 4th Street Deli, Patio Place, Pozzi Bistro, Brett’s, Salt Life, Shuckers, Karibo, Crab Trap, Salty Pelican, T-Rays, The Tavern, Pablo’s,State Line BBQ, Island BBQ, Townie’s, Happy Tomato, Peppers, Thai Spice, Captain Jack’s Smoke House, Arte’s, Timoti’s, Ciao, The Surf, Four Seasons, Pi, Gilbert’s, Hola, Coastal Pizza, Cantina Louie, Wicked Bao, Sushi House, and so many more that their favorite is a Dallas, Texas-based corporate chain joint? That’s all these bozos could come up with? Was Waffle House too expensive? Burger King too hoity-toity? Good grief, Chili’s is a Tex-Mex formula recipe chain with some 1,600 worldwide locations. The food at the Chili’s in Yulee tastes the same as it does at the Chili’s in Egypt. Well, maybe that’s what these taste-bud-dead dopes want. Surely there has to be an explanation for this silliness and it’s probably advertising revenue. Chili’s is OK when you need to exit the Interstate, want a quick and inexpensive meal, fill up with gas at the station next-door, and need to use a restroom. But the Best of the Best? Something smells fishy here folks, but what can we expect from a newspaper that locals dub the “mullet wrapper?” The News Leader is an example of why print newspapers are dying.
Chili’s? that’s kinda odd…. Good morning Dave.
Dave, It has taken a while but I finally figured out why you like Trump so much – you express your views like he does, you call everyone who doesn’t agree with you names and you can’t state a fact or opinion without pointing out how stupid others who don’t think like you are. You are adding to one of the the biggest problem here in the USA, and that is name calling and insults. Is it impossible for you to state why you disagree with a group or any individual without insults? Your blog would be more informative and interesting if you would state facts and back them up without resorting to insults.
I do agree with you that Chili’s is an odd choice, if Yulee wanted to make a point that they have decent restaurants too, why not DownUnder?
Speaking of off island restaurants Dave – if you haven’t ventured to The Lilly Pad at 9429 Heckscher (site of the old Nicole’s just past the ferry) you should give them a try. All home made Italian food and open Tues-Sat from 3-9. Call 904-647-7498 and Valarie will probably answer.
Why, when I see Frederica Wilson, do I think “All hat, no cattle”? Oops!!
Mr “Left Coast only been here 2 years” Lednovich needs a new name cuz yours is old and tiresome. How about Keeps the Citizens Informed Lednovich? How about Fights for the People Lednovich? Maybe left coast is actually the right Coast.
I beg your pardon I am a professional I have taught school for many years I disagree with Trump’s stand on concentration camps for people that are over here in our country we have never had such he reminds me of Germany and the Nazis you cannot say as a group that going to this event is ignorant and silly maybe you should take a look at yourself oh and by the way how do you think you got to the United States of America in the first place? I also live downtown Fernandina Beach and have not come from Jacksonville! I have also seen you at many events downtown and also eating locally at the same places that I do I am also friends with a lot of people that you call friends so it offends me that you call all of us silly who stand up for civilized conditions for human beings
As a 31 year old, I love your blog Dave. Unfortunately liberals are going to ruin America and they are already on there way to ruining Amelia Island. I can’t wait to move back to the Island one day- hopefully the one I love and remember will still be there. You may use names but it adds entertainment and the names are well deserved. To true commenters complaining- Grow a spine.
I think you just blew your chances of getting any good Mexican food for a while on the island. I think you are right that folks should pass up an opportunity to show support for the border issue. Those kids will at some point in their life will forgot that they spent months in cages, slept on floors, had no soap, which wasn’t a problem as they had no showers. Seriously however, I don’t think it matters which side of the political fence you are on, we all know there is a problem at the border that needs to be fixed. I am sure no one wants to see other humans and especially women and children treated in this manor.
I do totally agree with you, which is rare, that everyone should go to the Amelia Island Museum and learn as much as they can about the American War for Independence.
As we all know that war was fought on many fronts. We owe our brave solders a debt of gratitude for taking over our airfields and protecting our aircraft. Much thanks to those brave men for helping to save our aviation industry.
Sometimes I wonder if everyone isn’t cracked.
Dave’s a genius.
All others are idiots.
Nothing’s changed.