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Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

Local GOP Representative Dean Black Exposes Florida’s Dems As His Talk Verifies Book: “The Democrat Party Hates America”

Prior to attending a talk by Republican District 15 Florida House of Representative Dean Black, last Monday evening, September 25, I was reading Mark Levin’s latest book: “The Democrat Party Hates America.”

Representative Dean Black and friend.

Black’s first-hand experiences with the Democrat Party’s Marxist tactics in Tallahassee, verifies the reality of Levin’s book. The danger is closer to home than we may think.

Levin’s 331-page tome is frightening because he describes the damage we see daily that the Democrats are inflicting and that Black and his Republican colleagues are battling including:

  • Our families and faith being degraded
  • Individualism substituted for groupism, and the nuclear family being degraded
  • Color blindness being called racism
  • Capitalism and private property being consumed by economic socialism and climate-change fanaticism.
  • Classrooms becoming indoctrination mills for racism, segregation, bigotry, and sexual perversion and teachers’ unions hostility toward parental involvement in critical decisions about the health and welfare of their children.
  • Rampant crime in the streets, police budgets being slashed, and Democrat district attorneys and judges coddling violent criminals.
  • Wide-open borders and cartels shoveling criminals and killer drugs into the country.

Levin says that the Democrat Party is responsible for the economic, criminal, educational and cultural chaos currently being wrecked on the country. Representative Black verified that during his talk to Deb Boelkes’ We The People session.

Black’s description of the abhorrent tactics taken by Democrats to oppose the majority Republican House’s legislation borders on the evil that Levin describes the Democrats cultivating nationwide.

For example, as Black and his House colleagues were debating the Protection of Children Act, a group of transgendered men in the galley threw their underwear at them, a bizarre and juvenile act performed in front of national news cameras.

However, it progressed from asinine to seriously dangerous. Black described how Republican lawmakers had to be assigned armed deputies as Democrats threatened not only the Republican representatives but their wives and children. They shouted and carried signs saying: “We know where you live” and “We know where you work,” etc.

“When the Democrats said mutilating children was ‘gender affirming health care’ we said, ‘No! It is evil and passed a law making it a crime,” said Black to the attentive local crowd at Shucker’s marsh-front patio, just West of Shave Bridge.

The Democrat Party’s bag men in Tallahassee, the teacher’s unions, are apocalyptic over education bills that Black and his GOP colleagues passed while parents and educators are  rejoicing. Earlier this week former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that the most dangerous person in the world was American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. Not Putin. Not Chairman Xi and not the crazed Iranian mullahs. But the screaming lunatic teachers’ union leader Weingarten.

Thanks to the Legislature’s Republican majority the teachers’ unions, which are Florida’s largest donors to the Democrat Party, can no longer have dues automatically deducted from employee’s paychecks and must now disclose the salaries of its leaders. Black described how the top five teachers’ union officials earn an average of $430,000 each annually. They must now show their members where the dues money they are forced to pay is going.

Highlights of the 2023 legislative session bills include making unions accountable and transparent by requiring audits and financial disclosure. They prohibit unions that represent public employees from having dues and assessments deducted by the public employee’s employer and much more such protection.

Following are features of a few more bills that Black helped pass and are now law:

  • House Bill 1223 kicks the perverts and predators out of Florida’s public schools by prohibiting sexual orientation and gender identity in K-12 schools. A related bill (HB 1297) provides the maximum sentence for individuals convicted of child sex crimes…..the death penalty!
  • House Bill 1421 bans hormone blockers and transgender surgery for children under the age of 18 and penalizes those who would perform it. House Bill 1521 says “NO” to transgender men attempting to use a woman’s restroom in a government building.
  • Senate Bill 1438 and House Bill 1423, the Protection of Children Act, should lower the gay pride flag to half-mast hereabouts. It contains provisions that ensure children are protected from this crowd of left-wing perverts including provisions that: 1- prohibit local governments from issuing public permits for events that could expose children to targeted behavior and another that allows state regulators to suspend or revoke licenses of restaurants, bars, and other venues that violate the law. It ensures that kids will no longer be exposed to sexual drag queen shows or other perverted performances conducted by this freakish crowd.
  • Under HB 1, all students regardless of income, will be eligible to receive school vouchers. This gives parents unlimited options to opt out of traditional public schools and send their kids to private and charter schools or schools outside of their residential zones, as well as much more freedom. It also includes support for home schooling.

Black, who spoke without the aid of a script or notes, articulately described a variety of other bills that this GOP-dominated legislative session passed including those that address illegal immigration, medical freedom particularly vaccinations, and the Second Amendment.

House Bill 477 should send shivers down the spine — if she had one — of arrogant Nassau County School Board Supervisor Kathy Burns and her bobblehead board.  It introduces term limits for board members and a ballot measure that will enable voters to make state school board elections partisan.

Burns and her board flat out lied to Nassau County voters last November when they obscured the one mill increase to our property taxes. They knew that it would generate millions of dollars more than necessary. They had the ability to reduce it but did nothing and we got stiffed by Burns and her “yes” nodding board puppets with a massive tax increase.

The similarities between what had been going on under Democrats in Florida and the “hate” described in Lavin’s book is chilling. Black’s candid description of the progress being made by responsible state legislators to defeat this vile anti-American leftist crowd is refreshing.

Hats off to Ms. Boelkes for providing Representative Black a platform to update the local electorate on the progress being made and expose the Democrat agenda.

After reading a few pages of his book I thought: “If Levin’s reporting is even remotely accurate Democrats have only contempt for this country and must be emphatically defeated across the board in the next election or the country might never recover.”

After listening to Representative Black I now have hope that we are gaining ground and we will prevail.

Representative Black can be contacted via email at Readers can go to for an analysis of the bills.


News Leader mission statement.

News? What News? While Nassau County State Representative Dean Black was providing an update on state government issues that impact every citizen of the county the local news media were conspicuous by their absence, most noticeably the bi-weekly print News Leader.

If the sight-impaired online Observer had appeared it would only have been to report a distortion of Black’s comments while the News Leader’s absence was inexcusable. However, it has become increasingly apparent that the News Leader’s left-leaning editor, Tracy Dishman, dismisses any forums or articles expressing opinions that contradict her own or assigns the lefty reporter with the fortunate name of Julia Roberts to cover only those venues that reflect their views.  Publisher Foy Maloy meanwhile is nowhere to be seen. The Citizens Journal Florida is operating extremely short-handed, as its publisher George Miller continues to seek editors and reporters. Unfortunately Mr. Miller is currently incapacitated with a severe spinal injury that will require surgery scheduled for November 10. Any journalists out there willing to assist him can contact him at George Miller <>.


Bomb Throwers: When I scroll through online news sites I frequently come across headline teasers reading: “Dolly Parton drops Bombshell,” “Dr. Oz’s bombshell announcement,” “Ben Carson’s bombshell will leave you speechless,” and headlines proclaiming that former Fox anchors Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson, Bill O’Reilly, etc. are “tossing bombs.” I’m not a military strategist but maybe Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should contact these explosive celebrities and get them involved in the effort to help expel Russian troops from that country.


Big Fat News: Beauty products firm Dove, a brand owned by UK company Unilever, is facing calls for a boycott after it partnered with a morbidly obese Black Lives Matter activist and hate hoaxer who attempted to destroy a white University of Virginia student’s life over a “racist” comment that the massive mountain of blubber later acknowledged was “misheard.”

Dove’s new “fat liberation” ambassador.

Bryant, who from the looks of her tips the scales at 400+ pounds, couldn’t be a more offensive spokesperson. She made false claims about fellow UVA student Morgan Bettinger whom she accused of telling a truck driver that Black Lives Matter protesters would make “good f–king speed bumps” during the 2020 George Floyd “summer of love”.

The plus-sized fibber eventually recanted her false accusation, lamely explaining that she “misheard” the conversation, but not before Bettinger was doxed and subjected to vicious attacks that traumatized her and upended her life. Calling Bryant “a big fat liar” would be redundant.

Has Dove hired the disgraced Bud Light marketing “genius” Alissa Heinerscheid, who cost that company 25 percent in sales and billions in market value? Has its marketing organization been living in a cave? How can a company be so stupid? Do the CEO and Board members at Unilever even know what a marketing department’s role is?

It’s hard to believe that the twits running Dove’s marketing function were unaware of the public backlash that cost Bud Light and Target billions of dollars when they rolled out (pun intended) Zyahna Bryant for a “fat liberation” campaign despite her history of making false racial accusations.

“Fat liberation?” What the…..? Is there a dumb liberation movement? If so, Dove’s marketing department employees would certainly qualify. The brand’s choice of this colossal ambassador drew outrage from consumers with calls to #BoycottDove.

Maybe the company is targeting obese people calculating that since there’s so much more to them they require more soap. Bryant wasn’t born this huge; she ate herself that way. Her partnering with the Dove candy company would seem to make more sense.


Things I Wish I’d Said:  Friend and American Spectator writer Larry Thornberry applauds a fellow scribbler sending the following: “The Clear winner of the Best Line of the Month award appears in Itxu Diaz’s column in this morning’s American Spectator. ‘If erectile dysfunction were a car, it would be electric.”


Heart Warming Tale: The Associated Press reports that surgeons have transplanted a pig’s heart into a dying man in a bid to prolong his life – only the second patient to ever undergo such an experimental feat. Two days later, the man was cracking jokes and able to sit in a chair, Maryland doctors said.

The story reminds me of when I was living in Atlanta and the late Atlanta humor columnist Lewis Grizzard, who, when asked if he suffered any ill effects from having a pig valve implanted in his heart, responded saying: “No, but every time I drive by a barbeque joint my eyes well up with tears.”


Call Central Casting: It’s obvious to everybody that Joe Biden isn’t running the show or anything else. In fact when he starts running his mouth his staff quickly scampers to shut him down.  He’s not the engine of our government, he’s a hood ornament that keeps falling off. He even needs a pair of staffers on either side to keep him from falling over. Somewhere in the White House there is a group that is running things, guiding his appearances,  speech topics, and behavior. The Democrats must be scrambling to find another hood ornament to run for president as this one is beyond repair. 

  • Comment (21)
  • The deception on the 1 mill referendum wasn’t limited to the actual impact on the taxpayers. We were told that, in order to attract and retain experienced teachers, we needed the referendum revenue and that teachers would get the lion’s share of the revenue. Every district employee is getting the same $ amount. A first year custodian gets a 15.4% bump in compensation while the most experienced teachers only receive 6%. We were told senior administrators were not going to benefit from the referendum revenue yet they’re getting the same $4,800 as the experienced teachers. If we were lied to by the district to get the referendum to pass, why should we believe anything the Superintendent, the District administration or the School Board says?

  • Mentioning Lewis Grizzard brings me back to this memory of my one encounter with the Dawgs biggest fan. After a dermatologist appointment by Atlanta’s Northside HospitaI I stopped at “American Pie” off I-285 and Roswell Road for a burger and a beer. Sitting at the crowded bar I overheard two men bragging loudly telling tall-tales and obviously beyond a first round (or second?) of PBRs. Seemingly enjoying it, they had the attention of the bar patrons within earshot. Found out that Lewis was tossing his BS around with his fellow journalist friend Ron Hudspeth who were both employed by the AJC and when Atlanta had two daily newspapers, the Journal and Constitution. Yes, they were entertaining and yes, it was mostly all BS!

  • I haven’t read Marks new book
    yet but saw his program last
    week and he spent the entire
    hour reading and discussing parts of it.
    It was a very impressive hour
    but very scary outlook on our
    He is a well known author of
    many books and this one will
    scare the Bejesus out if you.
    If he is correct and I’m sure he is,then we free thinking proud
    Americans are in for the fight of
    our lives.Some of us have no idea of the diabolical plans that
    extreme leftists have in store
    for us and our country.Their wish for American is a carbon
    copy of Venezuela or other
    like countries.This is a long time
    planning process that encompasses all facets of life
    and working environments.
    Just take a quick look at a few
    organizations that are now in
    their grip: Academia,DOJ,FBI
    most all media and the CIA to
    name some.Let’s face it the
    majority of folks get their news
    from the major networks and
    the big print newspapers.These
    outlets are in lockstep with the
    very sob’s that hate America.
    Art Rox

    • That Fred wasn’t me Darryl. Guess Dave is going to have to now screen the emails they use as well. Looks like CoCoNut and I are both victims of their pitiful attempts… lol

      • Yeah. I agree. Anytime we get a post from the left Dave should bar the jerk from ever posting again. Better than ethnic cleansing.

        • Awww, look Brady is throwing stones in a glass house. The greatest “ethnic cleansing” of all time came at the hands of a democratic socialist.

    • Darryl, I already claimed the role of village idiot for this blog. You are welcome to read but stay in your lane when it comes to posting asinine and pointless comments.

  • Someone is using my handle “CoCoNUT Harry” to post comments about this week’s blog. For the record, the ONLY legitimate post by me, CoCoNUT Harry, is this one where I am calling out the pretender and unauthorized use of my handle to sign their posts. Whoever you are – GFY.

  • I’ll see your Mark Levin and raise you Sheldon Whitehouse. In related news, Bob Menendez is indicted by the DOJ (you know, the same DOJ Conservatives have accused the Democrats of weaponizing) and the list of Democrats calling for Menendez to resign grows by the hour. Meanwhile, earlier this week, Trump was found liable for committing years of financial fraud and, you guessed it, crickets from the Republicans. Speaking of Republicans, according to this blog’s reporting, Dean Black accuses Democrats of threatening violence against right-wing congressmen. I wonder if Black reads the Christian Science Monitor. This virtually unbiased publication (according to Media Bias/Fact Check) has this to say: “A data analysis by the Prosecution Project for the Monitor found that since the 1990s, the majority of felony prosecutions involved death threats by right-wing extremists against Democratic politicians. A similar analysis in 2018 that included felony and misdemeanor prosecutions – a larger data set – also found that Democrats were far more likely to be targeted. By contrast, the recent wave of indictments shows that pro-Trump individuals may be as likely to level death threats against Republicans as Democrats. No similar pattern has emerged on the political left.”

  • Always so fond of the stories from Lewis Grizzard as he was a great storyteller. Had the chance to hear him talk at a number of civic/organizational dinners over the years that would have half the audience rolling on the floor laughing and the other half gasping “did he really say that”. Lewis died way too young but he would have never survived long in the current politically correct world.
    His sitting up with the dead is a classic and he would always find a way to get a poke it at Georgia Tech:

  • If Jim Jordan becomes speaker, we would be looking at Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert’s right-wing extremist faction taking control over the entire Congress. If you thought McCarthy was bad just wait until you see what they have in store for us.

  • LGB is not a problem…’s about sexual orientation.
    The alphabet soup that follows is about mental illness.
    The LGB community needs to distance themselves from the mental illness.

    Pushed by “the pronoun illness” activists, Johns Hopkins University redefined the word “lesbian” as a “non-man attracted to non-men.” Of course, there was immediate protest and they pulled the definition down.

    It’s clear as day. The mental illness of the alphabet soup is now trying to erase the “L” in LGB. Lesbians are “WOMEN”, not “non-men”.

    The LGB community is a strong and proud community. Do not let these haters drag you down. You are so much better than this. LGB needs no further letters or numbers.

    • Hey Fake Fred, enough with your BS… How’s that for a couple of letters to add to your LGB?

  • Lewis also had a great line in his book “They Tore Out My Heart and Stomped That Sucker Flat”: After his surgery he said he had so many tubes in him he felt like a distributor cap. Finally they had removed all but the catheter. When the nurse came to remove it, he said, “I can’t bear to look. Is everything all right?” Nurse said “Little feller looks just fine to me.”

  • So the new ploy is to flood the blog with faux comments to get it banned? LOL You liberals are just as looney as they say you are…

  • Again, not the “original” Fred above CoCoNUT, but you keep on looking like an idiot all you like.

  • CoCoNUT Harry number two (or is it number three or four?) makes a good point. Not sure why anybody would be ok with you using their name though. You are an embarrassment to the CoCoNUT clan.


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