I cancelled my coverage with State Farm Insurance Company this week due to an outrageous program the firm initiated in Florida that flies in the face of the majority of the state’s residents, the Florida Legislature, Governor Ron DeSantis, and defies the values of most Americans.
A leaked memo from State Farm, said the company’s employees will be donating books that promote transgenderism to Florida schools for children as young as five. Go to LikeACreepyNeighbor.com
According to media reports the insurance company encouraged its Florida agents to volunteer to receive books about gender identity and then donate them to their community schools or public libraries by the end of April. The three books — “A Kids Book About Being Transgender,” “A Kids Book About Being Non-Binary,” and “A Kids Book About Being Inclusive” — are intended for kindergarten and above.
State Farm’s efforts to distribute LGBT books in Florida schools comes after Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Parental Rights in Education Bill, which is set to go into effect July 1. The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity for kindergarten through third grade, or in a way that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate. Critics have dubbed the bill “Don’t Say Gay” despite the word “gay” not appearing anywhere in the bill’s text.
A majority of Floridians and parents overwhelmingly support the bill. Poll results on this blog addressing the issue indicate that folks hereabouts fully agree with it.
State Farm’s empty suits have made a massive blunder that will financially hurt their company and their agents all over Florida. The firm joins the ranks of misguided woke corporations like Georgia’s Delta Airlines and Coke that cost the city of Atlanta Major League Baseball’s All-Star game and more than $100 million dollars in lost revenue as well as customers and shareholders. Didn’t State Farm’s corporate yahoos read about Disney that suffered a first round KO after it tried to take on Governor DeSantis and defy the state’s citizens?
The transgender movement aimed at Florida’s school children woke up the sleeping masses. They are now fighting back, and State Farm has no defense. These are the creeps you read about that hang around school playgrounds that you tell your kids to avoid. They are NOT good neighbors, just the opposite.
State Farm is a mutual insurance company, which means it is privately owned by the people who purchase its insurance policies. I want no part of such a firm. I called my local State Farm agency, informed it of my decision, requested a refund on the premium I paid about three weeks ago, and have already contracted with another company that matched the rate and offers the same coverage.
Apparently I’m not the only one. The guy that answered the local State Farm agency’s phone told me he’d been fielding similar calls all day.
Following my phone conversation the agency emailed me the following pathetic letter from Victor Terry, Chief Diversity Officer & Vice President Public Affairs, State Farm:
Dear David,
State Farm’s support of a philanthropic program, GenderCool, has been the subject of news and customer inquiries. This program that included books about gender identity was intended to promote inclusivity.
Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents. We don’t support required curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations.
We no longer support the program allowing for distribution of books in schools. We will continue to explore how we can support organizations that provide tools and resources that align with our commitment to diversity and inclusion.
We recognize and value the diversity of all people and support a culture of respect and inclusion in the communities in which we live and work, as well as our workplace.
Thank you for your understanding and for your business as a valued customer.
SF Agent
(name withheld)
Mr/Ms./Whatever Terry, you folks in your Bloomington, IL HQ are not only despicable, you and your company are disingenuous, dishonest, deceitful and dangerous. State Farm tried to skirt the Florida State Legislature, the governor, and the wishes of Florida’s parents and residents by converting your state insurance representatives into subversive sleeper agents, activating them with instructions to distribute propaganda to our children that rejects our values and wishes. We no longer trust you or your company. You are the kind of people we warn our children to avoid. Stay away from our schools and our kids, better yet get the hell out of Florida.
Go woke! Go broke! Go away!
The Great Divider: Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson rightfully blasted Joe Biden as a frail, confused, bitterly partisan man that used the elementary school tragedy in Uvalde, Texas to capitalize on a time of “great pain” to divide the nation with the “tired talking points of the Democratic Party.”
“The President of the United States. Frail, confused, bitterly partisan, desecrating the memory of recently murdered children with tired talking points of the Democratic Party,” Carlson said.
“Dividing the country in a moment of deep pain, rather than uniting. His voice rising, amplified only as he repeats the talking points he repeated for over 35 years in the Senate. Partisan politics being the only thing that animates him. Unfit for leadership of this country,” Carlson continued.
“What a moment this would’ve been if he’d stopped a sentence in and said we are going to pray for these families and let’s let this marinate for a moment, and let’s stand respectfully before a tragedy – and Joe Biden has lived tragedy, so he could say that was some credibility.” Instead, he moved immediately into some DNC rant off of the cue card. That’s the president,” he added.
Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro summed up the left’s wretched politicization of the tragic day in Uvalde saying: “The Texas shooter violated a multiplicity of gun laws. The suggestion that more gun laws would have prevented this act of unspeakable evil is unsupported, and the implication that those who oppose such laws are somehow in favor of mass shootings is morally reprehensible.”
Beto The Buffoon: Cartoonish Texas Democratic gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke hit a new low in embarrassing self-promotion when he crashed Governor Greg Abbott’s press conference Wednesday, May 25, as the governor was providing an update on the shooting at the Uvalde elementary school.
O’Rourke, an unemployed failed senatorial and presidential candidate walked toward the stage and the TV cameras after Governor Abbott’s opening statement saying: “You’re doing nothing.” O’Rourke’s disrespectful ghoulishness took place as many grieving family members of the deceased children were in attendance.
Senator Ted Cruz responded to O’Rourke’s disgusting and disrespectful publicity stunt, calling O’Rourke an “embarrassment.” Multiple other Texas leaders were standing on the stage surrounding Abbott, including Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Texas Speaker Dade Pehlan.
Grieving Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin was most vocal in shouting down the jerk’s interruption. “He needs to get his ass out of here,” the Uvalde mayor said regarding the disruptive candidate. “Sir, you’re out of line! Sir, you’re out of line! Please leave this auditorium.”
“I can’t believe… you’re a sick son of a bitch,” the mayor continued, “that would come to an event like this to make political issues.”
Law enforcement officers surrounded O’Rourke and attempted to move him out of the arena. O’Rourke stopped again and attempted to address the governor.
“It’s on you,” O’Rourke said pointing at Abbott. McLaughlin responded, “It’s on assholes like you. Why don’t you get out of here?”
O’Rourke was also heard saying the shooting was: “totally predictable.”
O’Rourke was eventually escorted out of the venue by police.
O’Rourke’s stunt was universally panned, and a CBS News reporter is confirming that it appeared he had staged the interruption.
CBS News’ Janet Shamlian was present and noted that it appeared as if O’Rourke had sent in “seat holders” to occupy some chairs in the front row. She noticed that they quickly vacated them when O’Rourke showed up to make a spectacle of himself.
What is predictable is that the repugnant little dolt can soon add “failed gubernatorial candidate, civic nuisance and public fool” to his sad resume.
Wait! What? I’d have trouble making this up, but I didn’t have to, because it’s true. Nina Jankowicz, the singing bureaucratic buffoon who was appointed the Biden Administration’s “Minister of Truth” told us that the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were part of a misinformation campaign despite the fact that even the New York Time and the Washington Post said that wasn’t true. So, the disinformation board was supposed to be headed up by a woman who traffics in disinformation ABOUT misinformation. Her immediate boss the head of Homeland Security, a loser named Alejandro Mayorkas, dismissed criticism of this ditzy gal as “misinformation.” Lewis Carroll, Mel Brooks, and Monty Python couldn’t make these ridiculous people up.
Senator Rand Paul (R-TN) Paul compared the Biden Administration to modern Russia, suggesting that Russia would sic its own equivalent of former disinformation czar Jankowicz on political dissidents:
“Right now, in Russia, they have disinformation governance boards, and basically if you speak out against the war or say that there actually is a war, the government will come after you with some probably crazy woman like this woman they wanted to appoint in the Biden administration, and basically they have criminal penalties for disinformation,” said Paul.
“I Did That!” Senile old fool Joe Biden and his lackeys created a baby formula shortage and now the addled idiot is bragging about how he fixed it by having other countries solve it.
The stumbling incompetent was mocked over the weekend for bragging about flying 70,000 pounds of baby formula from Europe to the U.S. as his administration has faced criticism for the shortage of baby formula across the country – a shortage that it created.
“Folks, I’m excited to tell you that the first flight from Operation Fly Formula is loaded up with more than 70,000 pounds of infant formula and about to land in Indiana,” President Biden tweeted Sunday, May 22. “Our team is working around the clock to get safe formula to everyone who needs it.”
Biden originally claimed on Twitter that his administration had brought in “70,000 tons” of baby formula, which was later deleted, but not before it went viral on social media.
Also, why do you need the U.S. Military to fly in just 70,000 pounds of baby formula, when Federal Express could easily do the job, and probably cheaper. Or why not go down to our southern border and bring back the formula you stored there for illegal immigrants?
“Over 10,000 children are born daily in the US, 20% of which will use formula within the first days of life,” Nicole Saphier, MD, wrote on Twitter. “The shipment is great, but let’s be honest, the supply won’t last more than a couple days.”
Tammy Bruce summed up Biden’s idiocy on Fox News saying: “You have officially turned our great country into Blanche DuBois, unstable and completely reliant on the kindness of strangers.”
How will we survive with this bungling buffoon in charge the next two and one-half years?
Dumber Than Dumb: It appears that the only prerequisite for being a Biden cabinet member is to have an IQ lower than Biden.
Following are a few examples.
Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm’s answer to rising gasoline prices is laughter or suggesting folks buy electric cars they can’t afford. There have been several instances where she either laughed or dismissed concerns about soaring gas prices in the United States. Perhaps she been hanging out with Kamala Harris too often.
In May she said: ‘If you drive an electric car, this would not be affecting you.” Her net worth is estimated at $8 million.
Biden’s Interior Secretary Deb Haaland struggled a week ago to respond to lawmakers’ questions about Biden administration energy policy during a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing.
She admitted that the administration has failed to issue a single onshore oil and gas lease or award a single offshore lease since taking office 16 months ago. The Department of the Interior (DOI) canceled all remaining offshore leases on May 11, and, on April 15, the agency modified the federal onshore program, significantly restricting how much land could be leased to private drillers. Essentially, she has done absolutely nothing but run up prices for the American consumer and make the U.S. dependent on foreign oil again.
Maybe the dimmest cabinet secretary is the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, the inept former mayor of South Bend, Indiana. This, guy who couldn’t synchronize the traffic lights in downtown South Bend, disappeared for two months during the nation’s supply chain crisis to take a paid maternity leave with his husband.
My favorite character isn’t a Cabinet Secretary, but a 65-year-old transgender named Rachel Levine (born Richard Levine) who is Assistant Secretary of Health. She/he/whatever had been the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health. Obviously mental health didn’t come under his/her purview.
Levine never underwent any surgical procedures, so he is basically a transvestite, a guy who wears dresses to work. He took voice lessons so he can sound like a woman.
In case you haven’t seen Levine, he went from being a very homely man to looking like a very homely man’s very homely mother. Basically he looks a lot like one of my late uncles. Or would if Uncle Oscar had gone in for women’s clothing and cheesy wigs.
The entire Cabinet looks like the advertising placards on the midway of a 1960s county fair freak show.
Florida’s GOAT: Florida has now captured almost 45% of the entire US market share for international tourism — the highest market share ever in history, and almost twice as much as the second-highest state, New York.
Florida’s GOAT international tourism performance defies somber predictions by experts that the state’s numbers would definitely tank due to: lifting covid lockdowns, banning masks, opening beaches, opening schools, supporting off-label covid treatments, banning vaccine passports, licensing concealed weapons, banning violent protests, banning in-school grooming, etc, etc, etc. The latest numbers leave the experts totally baffled. Again.
“So far,” says Gainesville’s Covid & Coffee commentator Jeff Childers, “experts don’t seem to be accountable at all when they are wrong, as they almost always are. At some point, we may have to start questioning the experts’ other forecasts. Maybe. We might consider that. Just saying.”
So, Which Is It? Democrats keep insisting they’re the ones who trust in science and yet they are the ones who insist that biology is merely an unfounded rumor. At last count, these biology deniers who can’t define what a woman is, have come up with 783 genders and are the same people applauding Kamala Harris as the first woman vice-president. Huh?
How Does National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan Still Have A Job? According to Special Counsel John Durham’s trial of lying lawyer Michael Sussman it is laying the ground work for exposing the details of the attempt to stage a coup. The ground work is being laid to expose the whole Hillary conspiracy. On Friday, May 20, the campaign manager testified that she knew the dossier was false but ordered it distributed to the press. Jake Sullivan was deeply involved. Durham’s process is going to finally result in exposing the worst political scandal in American history. We will see how the main stream media covers it or tries to ignore it.
Deafening Silence: The Democrat’s female slapstick Squad is introducing a resolution stating that Israel has no legal right to exist. Where are “devout Catholic” Nancy Pelosi, Jewish NY Senator Chuck Schumer, and the “balanced” media attacking this blatant anti-Semitism?
The Price Is Right: Elon Musk has 80 million Twitter followers. He said he will not vote Democrat. And the Republicans didn’t even have to pay him to say that.
Startling Stats: Statistics I saw this week show that the two European countries with the lowest number of deaths related to Covid were Sweden and Norway, the two countries with most lax enforcement of Covid requirements. The country with the highest related deaths was Bulgaria, one of the strictest enforcers of lockdowns, digital passports, and mandated vaccinations. It had the highest mortality in Europe. Go figure.
Things I Wish I’d Said: “America is so great that people who hate it, refuse to leave it.”– Senator John Kennedy (R-LA).
Drinking, Dining & Dancing: Tuxedo-clad Piano man John Springer and his sidekick drummer, Rob Taylor, will appear this evening, Friday, May 27, from 4-8 pm at the Tides Pool Bar at the Marriott on Atlantic Avenue.
Hadn’t read your blog in awhile….you’ve gotten better in the past year or two…..
Here’s more from Sen Kennedy
“I believe that America was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by idiots. I believe that you can’t fix stupid, but you can vote it out. I believe that America, unless we lose it, is the greatest country in all of human history, and the whole world knows it. Let me ask you something: when’s the last time you heard of someone trying to sneak into China? America is so great that people who hate it refuse to leave it,”
Dave…..As usual, a great Friday Blog. Well done. One thing I had a different slant on was the moving of the MLB All Star game out of Atlanta. It was my understanding, at the time, that it was primarily Stacy Abrahms and BLM supporters that scared the weak-kneed commissioner of baseball into moving the games because of the new Georgia voting laws. They called requiring an ID “racist”. So what did the geniuses at MLB do? They moved the game to Colorado, which has STRICTER voting laws than Georgia. Only idiots can be this woke. The fight to be most “woke” between Coke and Delta was sickening to watch and cost them millions in revenue. My feeling is the workness of these two sad companies would have been fodder for MLB to KEEP the game in Atlanta.
I don’t know why I bother quickly reading my WSJ or speed watching TV. You deliver the top news every Friday, freeing me to enjoy the weekend.
Great blog, Dave. As usual. It nudges a very quiet thought that I’ve heard, and that keeps me awake at night —
Consider all that President Biden’s Administration is actively doing to change America and American values, relationships and practically trying to re-form our great nation.
What if by some scheme, Mr. Biden were not who we thought?
What if he is the “placeholder” reading from a teleprompterr? With record inflation, stagflation, the breached southern border, a gas crisis caused directly by Biden’s Executive Orders, growing threats from hostile dictators throughout the so-called “civilized world” encouraged by our shameful and poorly executed departure from Afghanistan, union-dominated employment regulation, and on and on?
How can we know the answer when the evidence is the same whether he is really just this poor at the job or a Manchurian Candidate?
Barack Obama and his corrupt cabal are pulling the puppet strings of Joe Biden … it’s basically Obama’s third term and he’s using it to “fundamentally change America”, just as he promised he would do. This is what happens when we let cheaters count the ballots. Why do you think the woke Democrats screamed at the election law reforms recently passed in Georgia ?
Thanks for the update on State Farm – will leave them soon.
Keep up the great work Dave – another winner
Dave – You have done a real public service by exposing the despicable – and yes, creepy – actions of State Farm Insurance in seeking to pervert our kids and grandkids. God bless you for that.
Re: Jake Sullivan. I can tell you, not only is he vastly under qualified for his job, he is a traitor. I don’t use such words casually; indeed, I use them rarely, if ever. He has American blood on his hands in Benghazi and Baghdad. The full story is about to come out….
Bravo! Once again, so many things you said here make we wish I’d sad them first (for publication). Very quickly I’ve become a fan.
I blame our State Insurance Commissioner’s office for this current debacle. Several years ago, when the insurance companies pulled homeowners policies out of Florida, the Insurance Commissioner’s office should have told the companies, “If you pull your homeowners policies out of Florida, then take the car policies as well.” If the Commissioner’s office had done this, it would have left a $2 billion void that the other companies would have rushed in to fill or the companies would have backed off their position. We didn’t see the Insurance companies isolate California because of uncontrolled fires, or any of the states along the lower Mississippi for annual (predictable) flooding. Had our insurance commissioners office stood up for us then, we likely wouldn’t have the State Farm Co. pushing their weight around now.