Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

A Few More Things That Make Amelia Island An Attractive Place To Live & Visit

Sitting at the Green Turtle bar late last week chatting with quirky Addison B&B owner Bob Tidball and patting his dog, Maggie, who was occupying the stool next to me, pretty barkeep “Larry” explained the new beers on tap and asked if we had any questions. Bob thought for a few seconds and said, “Yes. […]

Amelia Island Residents Are Living A Norman Rockwell Painting Existence

A little more than three years ago when wife Linda and I had been full-time residents of Amelia Island for about three months the Fernandina Beach News-Leader printed an opinion-editorial I submitted expressing our observations about our new hometown. Surprisingly a number of readers told me that they remember that piece and asked me if

Do You Remember Your High School Friends And Ever Wonder Where They Are Now?

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a discussion with a former high school or college classmate and asked: “I wonder what ever happened to (insert name)?” Over the years I’ve been fortunate to stay in touch with many of my Tampa Plant High School classmates, even coincidentally running into some of them in very […]