Congressional & College Crazies Celebrate Israeli Carnage; America’s Haters And Elected Loons Date Back Many Decades

Appalling pro-Hamas comments by members of the so-called U.S. Congressional “Squad” to defend the Hamas massacre in Israel are justifiably generating condemnation.
Want To Get Rich? Amelia Author Entertainingly Explains How

In 1965 Amelia Island resident Pat Keogh was attending law school in Washington, D.C. holding down a fulltime job as a 21-year-old intern with the federal government’s General Services Administration and bought his first house. A few months later he bought another one. He has never slowed down.
Local GOP Representative Dean Black Exposes Florida’s Dems As His Talk Verifies Book: “The Democrat Party Hates America”

Prior to attending a talk by Republican District 15 Florida House of Representative Dean Black, last Monday evening, September 25, I was reading Mark Levin’s latest book: “The Democrat Party Hates America.”
News Leader’s Editorial Pages Taken Over By The Far Left; Fernandina Forces Hillbilly Hotdogs To Move Out Of Town

When someone at the Fernandina News Leader shouted: “Take out the garbage!” instead of hauling it to the curb Editor Tracy Dishman shoveled it all onto the paper’s Wednesday, September 15 Opinion page.
China Is Getting Its Money’s Worth From Its Biden PR Team; Ross-Lednovich Cranks Continue Confrontational Craziness

The millions of dollars China is funneling into the Hunter-Joe family “business” organization is paying off handsomely for the Chicoms as demonstrated by Joe Biden’s performance on the world stage in Southeast Asia Sunday, September 10.