Is Florida’s Swamp Ape Now Living On Cumberland Island? Fernandina Man Pleads Guilty To Making SCOTUS Death Threat

(Have a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year. This column will return Friday, January 5.)
Are Ivy League Institutions Offering Degrees in Nitwittery? Baseball Will Soon Be Unaffordable For Its Most Loyal Fans

Perhaps nobody better describes the muddled mumbo jumbo and leftist arrogance spewed by the three nitwit presidents of Harvard, MIT, and Penn than Fernandina Beach/Gainesville resident commentator, columnist and pundit, Jeff Childers, in his online Coffee and Covid commentary.
Columnist Says “Bidenomics Is Working”! Really? For Whom? Fernandina City Commission Session Resembled an AA Meeting

I assumed the “Bidenomics is working” headline in Friday’s November 24 News Leader was parody and was prepared for a few chuckles. They never materialized.
Instead of Hailing Israel U.S. Liberals Are “Seig Heiling” Hamas

Instead of recoiling in revulsion and demanding a reckoning, the American left insists that Israel play nice with the October 7 Hamas Islamic butchers.

(The regular commentary will resume Friday, December 1.)