Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

City Commission has Bigger Fish to Fry Than Bag Bans, Dogs, Chicken Coops & Water Slides

In an insightful piece titled “How’s City Government Working for You?” written for the online newspaper Fernandina Observer Monday, May 12, Suanne Z. Thammprovides her perspective on political ailments that impede our town’s progress in her 20 years of observation and it differs very little from what I’ve observed in just three years. While the […]

Indignant Race Demagogues Whining About Shrimp Festival Parade Whip “Cracker”

A handful of observers at the Thursday, May 1 Shrimp Festival Parade were whipped into an emotional frenzy by a lone entry walking the route, cracking a bull whip, saying the whip “cracker” was a symbol of slavery and its brutality. Based on an article in the online Fernandina Observer, “Two parade marchers whip up […]

Amelia Island’s Cal Atwood Is A Living American History Lesson

Amelia Island resident Cal Atwood is one of those rare Americans who has lived a historic chunk of our country’s past that is prominently portrayed in school texts, had numerous books written and movies made about it, a statue exclusively dedicated to it and is represented in one of the most instantly recognizable photographs ever […]

Want To See A Photo Of My Cat? Or Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah

The Austin Lounge Lizards, a group I have followed for a number of years, wrote a song called “Old Blevins,” that tells the tale of a guy who retreated from a domestic squabble to a bar only to be trapped next to Old Blevins, an incoherent, non-stop yakker, a situation that is similar to what […]

Can You Read, Write & Need A Job? $50K Plus Benefits Could Be Yours

Flipping through the Fernandina Beach News-Leader last week a display ad in the Help Wanted Classified section jumped off the page and slapped me in the face. The ad said that the RockTenn Fernandina Beach Mill is looking for folks to fill manufacturing operations positions there that require them to handle some simple physical requirements […]