News Leader “Lunatic Fringe” Flourishing

When I was a newspaper reporter for the Binghamton Sunday & Evening Press and Tampa Tribune in the 1960s and 1970s people who wrote letters to the editor had to take time to type or handwrite their comments, address an envelope, buy a stamp and then mail us their opinions.
Americans Are Tiring of Being Called Names; “The Squad” Is Succeeding In Destroying Dems

Last Saturday, July 20, Peggy Noonan devoted her weekly Wall Street Journal opinion column to America’s need to rediscover tact, citing Democrat NY Governor Mario Cuomo’s “rubbing their noses in it” act of lighting up New York City skyline landmarks in pink following his Democrat controlled state legislature passing one of the country’s most pro-abortion […]
Amelia Island Resident Deb Boelkes Never Reluctant To Speak Her Mind

Silent Spokesmen & Lawyers Who Can’t Lawyer Star In Local Activist Group’s Comedy

What Amelia Island’s loud, tiny, fist-shaking activist groups lack in rational reasoning and organizational skills they make up for in entertainment.
Nassau County And Fernandina Beach United In Their Thuggish Anti-Business Tactics

Laura DiBella plays a delicate balancing act.