Have you, like me, noticed that the mood in America has dramatically changed from despair and handwringing to optimism and enthusiasm following the November 5 national election?
President-elect Trump’s demeanor and enthusiasm for the country is contagious.

You can feel the aura. The cheerfulness is palpable. With few exceptions people appear to be more enthusiastic, happier, and buoyant. Toss in Christmas, and folks are downright jolly. They’re jingling the bells, decking the halls, and Hallelujahing with renewed vigor and spirit.
Americans everywhere are taking their Declaration of Independence declared “unalienable Right to pursue happiness” to new heights.
That was evident as I watched the Saturday, December 14 Army-Navy game with friends at Amelia Island’s American Legion Post 54. That’s one of the two best places to watch this legendary football game anywhere hereabouts. The other one being VFW Post 4351 underneath Shave Bridge on Wade’s Place Road.
The mood among those watching was exuberant. There were Army fans and there were Navy fans naturally. But most of all what I observed was there were American fans, folks happy to celebrate a great American tradition between the two military academies filled with eager young men and women who are dedicating their careers and lives to our country.

Fueling this jubilant mood is President-elect Donald Trump, who attended the game along with Vice-President-Elect J.D. Vance, who invited NY Subway hero Danny Penny to watch from the President’s box. Also attending were Trump’s Department of Defense pick Pete Hegseth, billionaire Elon Musk, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, House Speaker Mike Johnson, and several other prominent luminaries. The crowd gave the newly-elected president a thunderous reception while chanting “USA, USA.”
The lone exception was CBS, the network that televised the game. Those watching it on TV and looked away during the four seconds the network mentioned Trump, would never have known he was there. He was never mentioned again. His well-known guests were never mentioned at all by the network.
Following the game, however, even the Associated Press ran an upbeat story headlined, “Trump gets a warm welcome as he watches Army-Navy game alongside key allies, nominees and Daniel Penny.”

Speaking Of Fake News! I’ve been absent from this space for the past several weeks because I’ve been preparing the annual Amelia Island News Wrecker parody newspaper.
This publication boasting the tagline “Amelia Island’s sacred cows make the best burgers” takes a great deal of work. Directing a news staff that is incompetent, lazy, lacks any journalistic skill, is unmotivated and rarely sober, takes time.
The tabloid newspaper is scheduled to be printed and published no later than Friday January 24, maybe sooner if we pay our back office rent, get the utilities reconnected and can get the staff out of rehab and jail.
The Wrecker’s crack reporters are preparing in-depth articles and editorials on a variety of issues that impact local residents, home owners and businesses. and are not covered by other local outlets.
Some of these stories include residents selling their used electricity; unexplained lighting strikes at Fernandina City Commission sessions only during meetings; Russian collusion in the City’s Comp plan; 2025 predictions; residents bummed about Amelia Island not being selected as an Olympic Games site; and much more.
In its effort to cover fast breaking events, the staff sometimes has to make up the news before it happens. As a result they make a few mistakes. But by the time the paper is printed it’s too late to do anything about it. And they don’t really care or try that hard.
Folks wanting to take an ad in the paper (1/4 page; ½ page or a full page) can contact me at davidnscott@bellsouth.net or call me at my unlisted number 770/354-7228.

Speaking Of Muddled Media: It’s been a bad few weeks for corporate media. It’s easy to understand why. They continue to shoot themselves in the foot, alienating viewers and readers from both parties.
A New York Times story last weekend headlined, “ABC to Pay $15 Million to Settle a Defamation Suit Brought by Trump” illustrates some of what’s going on. The sub-headline added, “The outcome of the lawsuit marks an unusual victory for President-elect Donald J. Trump in his ongoing legal campaign against national news organizations.” The Walt Disney Corporation owns ABC.
Put simply, corporate media is coming to the realization that everybody hates them. For good reason. Both of MSNBC’s viewers are even grumbling. Is CNN still on the air?
The suits that run these outlets should do what real reporters do… step out of their bubble and talk to Americans on the street. Ask them what they think. They won’t like the answers.

Panic Time: The Democrat Party and its lapdog corporate media are in a panic as Trump’s team is enthusiastically working on plans to rip out fraudulent and strangulating regulatory nonsense, close the border, cut taxes, deport criminal illegals, pressure Iran, Russia and China with crushing sanctions, trade embargos and tariffs, and renewed military strength; pull DEI and Woke silliness out by the roots, and more.
So what are the panicked bureaucrats running Biden’s White House doing? They’re frantically spending as much tax-payer money as possible and ramming through as many stupid regulations and roadblocks as they can before Trump’s January 20 inauguration.
For example, they just lifted sanctions on Iran’s terrorist mullahs that frees up another $10 billion for those homicidal lunatics who are building a nuclear weapon. Why? They’re even selling the border wall steel for pennies on the dollar that American tax payers funded and Trump plans to erect. That’s obvious sabotage.
At the same time Biden’s unelected faceless cretins are hastily burning, shredding, smashing, and hiding evidence of their four years of perfidy.
January 20 can’t get here fast enough so we can see the last of this wretched corrupt crowd of hucksters, frauds, liars, shills, decrepitude, deceit and ineptness.

The Local Corporate Grinch: It was also a bad week for the Wildlight-based Publix. The Lakeland-based private company grocery chain – until this incident – had a glowing reputation hereabouts as a solid corporate citizen. Bucking the euphoric national mood Publix debuted its Christmas Grinch in the form of Yulee’s balking bakery that refused to decorate a customer’s cake with the MAGA (Make America Great Again) logo.
The store manager recoiled at the request and reportedly told the customer that she could have her cake and eat it too, but not with a Publix supplied MAGA logo on it. “Decorate it yourself,” the baker barked and handed the disgruntled customer a container of icing plus a $43 tab for the undecorated cake. Maybe Publix could improvise on Burger King’s “Have it Your way” slogan and use: “Have it our way or hit the highway.”
The Yulee News ran a front page story on the shameful episode. And Steve Nicklaus, the popular veteran Northeast Florida columnist, who recently fled the hapless News Leader for the Yulee News, devoted his December 12 “Steve’s Marketplace” column to the incident.
Why would the local Publix make a decision that could possibly alienate or offend such a large majority of County residents? What is offensive about the expression “Make America Great Again”?
The Fernandina News Leader and its bumbling far-left editor Tracy Dishman ignored it and printed nothing. Oh! It did announce that long-time publisher Foy Maloy is retiring, probably just in time to avoid the total collapse of the 170-year old publication directed by the bungling Brenda Starr wannabe, Dishman.

Speaking Of Far Left Ineptitude: The small nostalgic contingent of cranky local leftists mourning the Kamala Harris loss and Biden’s departure have some consolation. They can head to Fernandina Beach City Hall during any Tuesday evening City Commission session and witness a mirror image of the Biden administration.
There they will observe on a tiny scale the ineptness, lying, corruption, waste, fraud, decrepitude, deceit and rampant stupidity, of the worst presidential administration in U.S. history.
Pity poor Commissioner Darron Ayscue, the lone surviving admitted conservative on the Commission, who may be the loneliest man in town during these interminable silly sessions. Well, silly, unless you’re a city taxpayer.
This bungling bunch will make interesting copy when I resume this column following the publication and distribution of the News Wrecker.
According to the News Wrecker the City Commission sessions are attracting large audiences that mistook the venue for a comedy club. It reported that the city is cashing in and implementing a cover charge and a two drink minimum.
Wait! What? Oh, I almost forgot. Santa should deliver an extra-large stocking full of coal to the make-believe reporter Mike Lednovich of the myopic online “news” outlet Fernandina Observer.

BLM activist Lednovich is the clown who paraded through town wearing a “Black Lives Matter” sandwich board and a Fernandina Police Department cap while he served on the Fernandina City Commission as mayor. This is the same guy who wrote an opinion piece November 23 (“Commission Should Adopt Rules Against Hate Speech”) saying “The city commission needs to amend its rules with a clear policy that distinguishes between protected free speech and hate speech that deliberately seeks to demean individuals and divide our city.”
What a hypocritical jerk.
In his article BLM activist Lednovich blasted a woman who spoke to the Commission who intensely expressed her disagreement with the transgendered day of remembrance proclamation and called for a “ban on transsexuals and drag queens from Nassau County’s parks” where children congregate. She charged that “trans rights activists are intimidating city officials by using their demonic agenda in the guise of human rights to force their sexually explicit agenda upon the public.”
Strong language, sure. But unlike BLM she didn’t physically advocate attacking anyone, use profanity, commit arson, shoot and beat people, attack the police, or encourage anyone else to do so. In no uncertain terms she fiercely expressed her opinion. There were a number of folks there that loudly objected to what she said and had to be gaveled down several times.
However, according to Lednovich it’s OK to shoot, beat-up and intimidate your opponents and throw bricks, bottles of urine and feces at the police like BLM does, just don’t call them names or tell them to shut up. Right Lednovich? How many business were burned and people killed or injured by BLM during the “peaceful riots” Lednovich? How many by the Commission speaker?
You condemn this woman for strongly expressing her opinions but blatantly march through town proudly displaying your support of killers, thugs, and gangsters. You are a disgusting charlatan.
The term “village idiot” is too mild for Lednovich. If there was a “Twit of the Year” award he would retire that trophy.
Dave: i love your commentary. Always right on. Wishing you and Lynda a Healthy, Happy and Holy Holiday. See you soon.
Dave, I love reading your stuff. Spot on! Now that Trump is going to be in charge, the Dems are acting like roaches when you turn the light on. Keep up the great work!
Keep up the good work. You do have a lot of material to work with. I always enjoy the read and your perspective.
Great Blog Dave!
Merry Christmas 🎁🎄
Looking forward to the “News Wrecker” ! Merry Christmas, Dave 🎅🎄👍
Love reading your blog. Had withdrawals there for a little bit since I hadn’t been able to read anything from you recently. Look forward to seeing the “News Wrecker” I’m sure it’s gonna be a super hit. Wishing you and your family, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas Dave, I hope all is well.