Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

Musings, opinions, observations, questions, and random thoughts on island life, Fernandina Beach and more

The More I Hear About Calif. The More I Love Life In Fla.

The more I hear and read about the devastating fires in California the more thankful I am that I live in Florida.

It’s not because wildfires can’t, won’t and don’t happen here. They do. They’re terrifying. It’s how they’re managed in California that’s even more terrifying.

The ineptitude and incompetence of California’s progressive politicians are on full display for the world to see as fires ravage massive portions of that state. As thousands of homes and businesses are totally destroyed and families flee the flames with nothing but the clothes they are wearing, the politicians are either absent or spew nonsense that could have been scripted by the Monty Python staff.

If that state’s populace ever regains its collective sanity and the battered residents come to their senses and vote these nitwits out of office they should build monuments to stupidity. Chicago has Mrs. O’Leary’s lantern-kicking-cow as a scapegoat for its devastating 1871 fire. California has pompous, preening Governor Gavin Newsome and useless, bungling Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass.

This isn’t an example of failed leadership. It’s an example of no leadership. Where does the Democrat party and California find such naïve, inept, and worthless public officials? In the Wall Mart damaged merchandise discount bin?

When the fires broke out Mayor Bass was in Africa on government business. What? Why?

When she arrived back in L.A. she stared blankly at the airport terminal floor and stood motionless and dead silent while local news reporters peppered her with questions. She had no answers and said nothing. She just completed a 17-hour flight and didn’t once think she might be asked about the fiery catastrophe in her city? When she was elected didn’t she say she wouldn’t take any foreign trips? Maybe she meant she’d only take them when the city was on fire.

Other than his freshly coiffed and lacquered hair, Newsome was equally useless and unprepared. He flubbed questions from angry citizens who cornered him to ask him what he was going to do to help? He told one woman he was currently on the phone with the president asking for help. She looked at his phone. He wasn’t. He lied.

How bad was it? Fire hydrants didn’t work. Power was cut off.. L.A. slashed its fire department budget by $17 million. Recommended clearing of forest brush and dry foliage hadn’t taken place. Reservoirs were bone dry. Water that should have been available was directed into the Pacific Ocean. A smelt, a fish nobody eats, was given priority for water over residents.

Meanwhile in Washington, D.C. a dazed and befuddled Joe Biden told whiney California Governor “Pretty Boy” on a virtual call that he was “getting a bad rap.” Bad raps are something Biden knows a lot about. Is there such a thing as a “good rap?” Neither of these imbeciles would know.

The major part of this entire scenario I don’t understand is that the people who suffered the most in this fiery disaster are the ones that voted for this trio of twits, Newsome, Bass and Biden. The areas most impacted are the bluest in California.

A satirical Babylon Bee headline and story sums it all up:

Newsom Reassures Fire Victims He’ll Be Prepared Next Time,

Now That He Knows Water Is Useful In Fighting Fires

“As wildfires continued to spread destruction across large swathes of California, Governor Gavin Newsom reassured victims of the fires that he’ll be more prepared next time now that he knows water is useful in fighting fires,” said the Bee.

Even the real media has had enough. Actual news reports are saying that the incompetent state and city stumblebums are now turning on each other, pointing fingers, and screaming: “You’re fired!” to anyone within ear shot. If it weren’t for the unfortunate and innocent victims it would be amusing and fun to watch.

There must be a few adults somewhere in the vicinity of L.A. On January 20 Donald Trump will be fully ensconced and hopefully will find and help them in putting a stop to the insanity of the state’s ill-fated liberal circus and assist the victims.

Will the California tide turn in what once was America’s most beautiful and prosperous state? For the sake of its residents let’s hope so.


Meanwhile Back At The Ranch: Have you, like me, noticed more California license plates driving through your neighborhood? Following the wildfire disaster will the trickle turn into a torrent? If so let’s hope those arriving and deciding to settle here tossed their voting habits into the firepit they’re putting in their rearview mirrors.


Speaking Of Florida: What would have been the outcry from the Florida and national media if Governor Ron DeSantis had mimicked the arrogant, preening Gov. Gavin Newsome during one of the state’s devastating hurricanes?

It’ll be interesting to watch the media as it falls all over itself attempting to figure out what the hell just happened. I think we’re in for a refreshing change for the better. It can’t get any worse for the folks in California.


You Ask For A Doctor & Get An Accountant: Early on December 7 Linda and I were getting ready to attend a function when I noticed an irritation on my right elbow. I showed it to Linda who said it looked swollen and reddish and suggested I head over to the Millennium Physician Group Walk-In Medical Center on South 14th Street to have them take a look.

Millenium says its Walk-In Medical Centers are “a wonderful alternative to busy emergency rooms for minor health problems.”

So I walked in. When I arrived at the facility that used to house a multiplex movie theater I entered an empty waiting room staffed by a lone clerk behind a counter.

“Our records indicate you drove past the clinic last week and glanced inside so that’ll be $15.”

I explained my issue to the woman who picked up the phone and summoned another gal, who quickly appeared. I explained the issue to her. She told me very clearly that there was no one available to diagnosis my problem and that I should go to the Baptist Hospital Emergency Room on Lime Street. My visit to Millennium lasted no more than 10 minutes if that long and I only spoke to two people, who offered no medical advice other than to tell me to take my ailing elbow elsewhere.

So imagine my surprise this past week when I received a notice from Millennium by text message that I owed them a $15 co-pay for the Dec.7 visit.

Oh, and according to this invoice Millennium had already billed my insurance company for my visit and received $73.28 from them. Not bad money for telling me to hit  the bricks, “we can’t help.”

The invoice I received said I was advised by the Millennium Physician Group’s APRN nurse. And her name. An APRN is an advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) with a master’s or doctoral degree.

I looked that up and learned that an APRN’s duties are to assess, diagnose, and manage patient problems; order tests and prescribe medications; provides primary and preventive care; mental health care; birthing care;  anesthesia, and educates patients and their families.

These highly educated folks are pricey. Maybe her telling me to go somewhere else falls into the “educating patients” category.

I really miss the old movie theatre. I don’ t recall ever paying more than $25 for a film, popcorn, and soda. I actually got a film, popcorn, and a soda, not advice to go watch a movie somewhere else and then an invoice for not watching it at their theater.


Get Out! And Stay Out! Department: Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday, January 13, he is calling a special session of the Legislature to require local governments to enforce potential deportations of undocumented migrants if called for by President-elect Donald Trump.

“We have a responsibility to be in this fight,” DeSantis said. “State and local officials in Florida must help the Trump administration enforce our nation’s immigration law”

DeSantis mentioned that of the 45 looters arrested in Pinellas County after Hurricane Milton made landfall, 40 of them were in the country without authorization, a polite way of saying “illegal aliens.”

“I’m just thinking to myself, how the hell is this happening here?” DeSantis said. “Give me a break. Those people need to be sent back immediately.

DeSantis also said he also wants lawmakers to eliminate a state law that gives in-state tuition for undocumented migrants.

If there was anything like baseball’s MVP award for governors DeSantis would win hands down. Newsome would be traded to some tiny third world country for a cheap fruit basket and a moron to be named later.


Not Everything In Florida Is Coming Up Roses: Drivers in Florida aren’t spreading sunshine. In fact, just the opposite. According to rankings based on driving deaths compiled by Florida has the worst drivers in America for the second year in a row. Jacksonville leads that dubious crowd followed by Miami, Orlando, and Tampa. New York City ranks the best. Who’d a thunk it?


Hail To The Redskins: For the first time since 2005 the Washington Redskins (I refuse to call them that insipid politically correct name) won a playoff game, beating the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, 23-20 in the wildcard game in Tampa, Sunday, January 12. The Redskins (13-5) now advance to the playoffs against the Lions (15-2) in Detroit. Washington has won three of four playoff games against Detroit since 1982. I’ve been a Redskin fan since 1973 when I lived in the D.C. area and Coach George Allen took them to their first Super Bowl. That Sunday our priest told the congregation: “There’ll be no eulogy today, go home, say a prayer for the Redskins, and watch the game.”

  • Comment (21)
  • ‘Everyone in Fernandina Beach’ is pitiful. Won’t even use his/her real name. Their comment was pointless.

  • Gavin Newsome reminds me of “meat-head” in all in the family, and Dave, you are the epitome of Archie Bunker, LMAO!!!

  • If Gavin Newsom was trade bait. The Mets offer him a 50 million dollar contract. 25 upfront and the other 25 payed in equal installments for the next 25 years.

  • Dave, stop wondering if the new transplants from CA to FL will change their voting habits. Their brains are incapable of “cause and effect” reasoning. They will constantly vote against their own self-interests. It’s a brain wiring issue that can’t be corrected.

  • Great blog, Dave. Some rest did serve to sharpen your wit, a bit. Regarding California, the real reason the LA natives allowed their elected officials to stand by and watch LA burn, is that there must be something in the water. That’s why they ran dry. Most of them drank it all up, resulting in their unique brand of madness. They’re not technically short on water…they’re short on logical thinking. Pretty sure the Pacific ocean contains enough to douse the flames…

  • George – you are SO right on…..I don’t blame the government in California – they are just an extension of the brain-dead PEOPLE living there – who keep voting the same idiots back into office! I think most of the intelligent people, WITH brains and common sense, have stampeded out of there….while there are STILL some who would, if they could! California is dangerously close to becoming a total LOST CAUSE. A pathetic, crying shame.

  • Good to hear from you again, Dave. Next time go to Amelia Express Care, they are friendly and will actually diagnose your ailments.

  • Hey Dave, I love your blog!!! I was surprised by the worst driver’s stat. Looked up other stats and there is definitely a mixed bag depending on where the data comes from. According to NHTSA Florida ranks 21st, not great but not number one. Even the Forbes data – ranks us 29. Montana, New Mexico, and Wyoming are in the top 5 in both those databases. My vehicle insurance is high enough, I don’t want to add any fuel to that fire. 🙂

  • Your blogs are always interesting. I work in the insurance industry – please don’t hate me – but the California insurance is the worst. I stopped doing business with them because they disrespected me for being from Florida. They think Floridians are illiterate. When salespeople from California call me, I can’t resist joking that I can’t read or write. In 2022, more than 583,200 people switched their driver’s licenses to Florida! Your birth year will be removed from your driver’s license when you renew or replace it. Be sure to update your insurance agent with the new details!

  • So sorry, you had a bad experience at millennium’s walkin
    I have been there 4 times and have had nothing but excellent service.

  • Welcome back Dave and Happy New Year !

    Re: LA fires and CA gubamint failures. Once people see what common-sense governance can do after the Trump Admin. is in power, I believe many residents of blue states/cities will reconsider who they vote for. 👍🇺🇸

  • Agree with the comment to go to Amelia Express. They are the best. If I recall correctly, Dave has posted 2 bad experiences at Millennium. Don’t go back a third time.

  • The va hosp in hampton va is still flying a huge lgbtq flag,,,hope the new head of the veterans admin follows the state dept.

  • “Everyone in Fernandina” is probably Coleman L. He is addicted to this blog even though he swears he does not read it anymore. C. L is reminiscent of a Shakespearean tragedy where the protagonist is cursed with the fatal flaw of self-importance.

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