Trump’s Clean-Up Actions Were Years In The Planning

How did President Trump manage to react so quickly and put the unprepared defenseless Democrats into their current hysterical panic mode?
Are Protestors Hurting Market As Home Prices Stall?

Those who know much about such things are saying home prices nationwide have peaked?
Democrats Display Their Hatred Of Fellow U.S. Citizens As They Declare Affection For Illegal Alien Gangsters

Based on recent news reports it’s obviously true – as the title of Mark Levin’s bestselling New York Times book proclaims – that “The Democrat Party Hates America” ?
Trump Has Done More In 4 Days Than Biden Did In 4 Years

Donald Trump has accomplished more in four days that Joe Biden did in four years. He’s making FDR’s “First 100 Days” in 1933 look trifling.
The More I Hear About Calif. The More I Love Life In Fla.

The more I hear and read about the devastating fires in California the more thankful I am that I live in Florida.