Small Plates? I Don’t Want No Stinkin’ Small Plates!
(This will be the last commentary of 2016 as I am taking a Christmas break and will resume the blog January 6, 2017. I wish all readers a very happy Christmas and a prosperous, healthy and fun New Year.) Two popular restaurant trends I don’t like are wraps and small plates.
Bob Dylan Was Right – The Times They Are A-Changin’ And Faster Than He Imagined
In 1977 I was a member of the public relations team that helped put together the dedication ceremony for IBM’s new General Systems Division Headquarters building in the northwestern section of Atlanta.
Go Ahead, Make Somebody’s Christmas Day; Put Dirty Harry’s Magnum in Their Stocking

Remember when you were a kid and you and your chums raced bleary-eyed out of the almost four-hour Saturday matinee of a western double-feature, six cartoons, a news reel, previews of coming attractions and a Flash Gordon serial, pointing cocked fingers at each other pretending you were Roy Rogers, The Durango Kid, or Gene Autry?
Local Woman Volunteer Puts Whole New Blush On The Term “Camp Follower”
When I was inducted into the U.S. Army the first duty station following basic training where I was assigned was in Kirchgoens, Germany, a remote, Godforsaken, freezing, Third Armored Division outpost where I arrived on December 22.
Mr. Rogers Never Met My Neighbor!

A satirical piece making the rounds on the Internet since the election ended describes those on the left that are unable to accept the fact that Donald Trump won as suffering from Trump Acceptance Resistance Disorder (TARD).